Hey Gramps!

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Hey guys! I miss you all so much... Sorry for not updating, it's just that I've been busy 'cause it's Christmas Season! Oh. by the way, Merry Christmas! Well, a lot of you have been asking for an update, specifically my friends JC and Sophia (I dedicate this chappy to you guys!)... So here it goes, hope you'll enjoy it! Mwah!


Chapter 24: Hey Gramps!

Eugene’s POV

“I like her for you, son. She’s perfect for you.” My dad said as we walked around the garden.

“Yeah.” I answered back knowing that all of this has been a lie except for my feelings for her.

“Well, I hope you won’t let her go. She’s just what you need. Protect her.” I knew exactly what he meant.

“Nothing will happen dad, I swear,” I said a bit doubtingly. Before I could say more, Charlotte called me ‘cause we were going to meet my grandpa. I shook my dad’s hand and raced for the car.

Charlotte’s POV

“What’s your grandpa like?” I asked Eugene as we rode to his grandpa.

“Well, he’s very energetic that you’ll doubt him being sick and all. He’s very hospitable and a friend to everyone. Well, except for my enemies. He’s always been on my side whether I’m right or wrong.”

“Sounds like you’ve been spoiled.” I said amused.

“Yep.” Finally, I heard the car stop and looked outside the window.

“Why are we here?” I asked looking at every detail of his house. “Aren’t we supposed to be in a hospital or something?”

“He hates hospitals so he stays in our house. He can still stand up and dance, you know. Unlike other sickly old people, he’s practically alive and kicking.”

“Then why didn’t we see him last time we were here?” I asked blushing at the memory.

“He had his weekly check-up,” he said. “Let’s go.” He held my hand and we went inside his mansion. We went through the hallway and I recognized his room. We reached the far end until he knocked at the door.

“Come in,” I heard a low voice coming from the other side of the room. He opened the door and I saw an old man sitting upright on his bed holding a book which I think he was reading a while ago. “Well, isn’t this the famous Charlotte.” He said greeting me with a warm smile.

“Yes, pops.” Eugene cut in.

“Good evening sir.” I awkwardly said. Gosh, this is so weird.

“Call me Edward.” Edward. I wonder if his wife’s name is Bella. “You know Eugene, she’s a lot more prettier than you described.” He told Eugene as he looked at my face with a smile.

“Pfft. What I described was already an overstatement.” Eugene scoffed.

“Hey!” I snapped. “Like you’re really handsome, yourself.”

“But I am!” He argued.

“Nu-uh. Well, if you’re handsome, then I should be a goddess.” He was about to say more when Edward laughed heartily.

“Ah. True love. My wife and I used to fight like that before. Memories. I guess she’s very amused right now in where she is.” He looked at us and took a deep breath then added, “So, when’s the wedding?”

“What?” Eugene exclaimed.

“Just kidding.” He said. And I can’t help but laugh at Eugene’s face, his grandpa laughing with me. We talked about random stuff and I swear, every second, we always crack up. His grandpa’s the best! No wonder Eugene loves him so much.

“Eugene, could you get us some tea?” Edward said.

“Yeah. Sure pops.” When he left the room, Edward turned to me.

“You sure are something Charlotte. Can you do me a favor?”

“Of course.”

“Please don’t leave my grandson,” he said with a mixture of sadness in his eyes. “I’ve never seen him so happy before since the last time. But he’s more happier with you.” Curiosity’s really clouding my brain. What happened last time? What happened in his past? Since what? “Please promise me.”

“I promise.” I forced out the words from my mouth. A promise I could never fulfill. Could I?


Could she? Haha. Just kidding. But seriously. the question isn't if she could do it. The real deal is if she would. Confusing? Don't mind me. Imma go and make another chappy and update ASAP. Byee guys! 

Opps I forgot, just want to say sorry to a good friend I blocked in FB, if you're reading the updates here. You know by now, ahaha. I was dared to block you, and I did.. I still don't know when I'm going to unblock you (sorry for the second time). Anyway, Merry Christmas to you! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,


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