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"Kusana wake up." I could hear feel someone nudging to wake up. "5 more minutes father." I groaned bringing to blanket over my head to cover the sun light that was blinding me. "You've been saying that for the last 15 minutes." He said and pulled the sheets and tossed them on the ground. "Ok. I'm up." I groan sitting up, stretching and yawning. "Come on you've been bugging me to train you and now you can't even get up for it?" He asked turning his back and walked towards the door. "YOURE FINALLY GOING TO TRAIN ME." I shouted jumping up from the bed and spinning him to look at me. I heard him chuckle and say "I would have but you too-" "No ill be out in 2 minutes. Now get out so I can get ready, I'll let you back." I said pushing him out the door and shutting it.

I ran to the closet and got my clothes and quickly changed into them. Father never has time to train he's always busy doing who knows what. But training with him makes me feel likes were the only two people in the world. "Kusana if you don't hu-" "IM COMING YOU BIG CRYBABY" I yelled rushing out of the door. "Finally. Now why don't you stretch, I don't want you to pull a muscle or anything." He said. I quickly started stretching and when I was finished I put my hands to my side letting him know I was really to finally beginning. "So why don't you show me what you can do. And then we can take it from them." He said. I nodded and grabbed a kunai and got ready to throw it.

I pulled my hand and throw the kunai hitting it right in the middle. I pulled 3 more and threw them the same way hitting them at the exact same spot. I turned to him and smiled. "You're hold on again?" He asked raising up his right eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and simply answered "8 soon to be 9". "That's all you can do?" He asked walking towards me. "I've tired to do other things bu..." I began to mumble as I lowered head. I felt two fingers under my chin and slowly picked up my head. "No need to be embarrassed Kusana. I'm sorry I haven't be able to train you, I've just been busy." Father said.

  "No, I understand." I said smiling at him. "Come why don't I teach you a justu that my father taught me when I was around your age. How about it?" He asked and I nodded my head. I heard him chuckle and then he ruffled my hair. I watch as he did a couple signs with his hands and then say "Fire Ball : Fire Ball Justu" and blow and so enough a ball of fire came out, making me stumble back and land on the ground. He turned around and smiling. "Wow. That's was awesome! You're going to teach me how to do that?!" I smiled in excitement. "If you're willing to put the work in it I don't see why not?" He said. "Ready?


After a couple of hours practicing I finally got the hang of it. "Good! You're defiantly my daughter, you got a hang of it in a matter of hours." He said as he put his arm on my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. His arms wrapped around me and whispered into my hair "I'm proud of you." He pulled away and then looked up"Come on let's go inside, it's starting to get dark and I'm actually get pretty hungry, how about you?" He asked. "Yes sir!" I said giggling at me. "How about we go out to get near a village that just straight up ahead?" He asked as we talked inside. "How about some ramen!" I asked. "Sure why not? But the best time we go out in picking the food alright?" "Yea yea you got it. I'm going to take a shower and than we can get going." I called out to him. "Don't take forever." He yelled back.

I walked into the room and striped naked and walked into the bathroom and got in. I feel the warm water fall down on my skin. I washed my hair and my body as well and then turned off the water. I reached over and grab my towel and dried myself off then wrapped it around my body. I walk back to the room and pulled out my outfit. It was a plain and simple but when we were first looking for an outfit father thought that I should get a red outfit so what it can bring out my eyes. It was a red dress and the shorts under it were black. "Kusana would you hurry up ?" I hear my father yell. "I'm coming!" I yelled back. I quickly brushed my hair and ran out my room into the living.

"How do I look?" I ask smiling and swirling around. He walked over to me and than place his middle and index finger on my forehead and say "Like a million dollars." "Would you stop doing that, I'm not a kid anymore dad." I groaned. I heard him chuckle and say "You're only 8 Kusana, keep that in mind." He said laughing and walking toward the door. "SOON TO BE 9 FOR YOUR INFORMATION!" I yelled following shortly behind him. We both slipped on our shoes and he reached over to give me my coat and my scarf. "It's cold outside so put on a scarf and your black coat, I don't want you catching a cold." He said while putting on his jacket.

We began walked and soon enough we were there. I could hear little kids laughing and I looked over to see them. They had their mom and dad laughing along with them. I couldn't help to feel a little down that I didn't have a mom. Why? If I'm being honest I really don't know about her. Ive tried to bring her up but father was never up to that subject so after a while I just stopped asking about her. I looked away and lowed my head causing me to look down at the ground and father caught it right way. "Kusana are you alright?" He said holding my hand. I looked up and smiled. How can I be sad when I have the best father in the world. He's been taking care of since I was a born. Took care of me when I was sick, brought me new clothes when I needed them. Although I would love to have a mother, Itachi did a damn good job all on his own.

"Could never be better father."

a/n : soooo ? how did you guys like this story. I had an idea and I really don't see much itachi's story so i decided why don't I do one ? 💙

Hope you like it . And for my other stories be check them out I'll be updating them too so don't worry about it ! 💞

- Crystal 🍃

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