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"Father?" I heard Kusana snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" I asked helping her sit on one of the stools than taking a seat next to her. "Umm can I ask you something ?" She asked smiling. "Sure." I asked moving a a little so I can facing her. "Where did you come from? You know, did you have any family members?" She asked smiling at me. I tried to say something but nothing came out. I didn't want to talk about this. "Father?" She asked snapping out of my thoughts. "Umm we can talk about this later alright?" I told her and then lean over and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Is there something wrong?" She asked grabbing my face forcing to look in her eyes.

    I couldn't lie to her. But it something I needed too in order to protect her. I promised myself when she born that my past, is my past. "Everything fine. I'm just a little hungry." I told her smiling at her. "Oh me! I was thinking if I can get the chicken ramen. I heard its really good !" She said looking at the menu and back at me smiling. I couldn't help but chuckle at her. "Sure why not? This is what you picked." I told her ruffling her hair. "Daddddd." She groaned moving her head away making me smile. "Will you stop. We're in publicccc." She whined again. "Ok ok I'll stop." I smiling put my hands up in defense.

    After a dinner we walked home hand and hand. But I felt a presence following us. "Kusana." I told her making her look up at me. "Get behind me." I told her letting of her hand and standing up straight. "Father is the-" "I said get behind me. Now Kusana." I said cutting her off. She moved behind me and quickly grabbed my shirt. "Come out." I said looking up at the trees, waiting for someone to come out. And then suddenly there were 15 ANBU around us. "Fa-" "Be quiet Kusana." I said through my teeth trying to keep her calm. "What do you." I asked them. "The Hokage has asked for your capture." One of them said. "And why is that. I've left that village a long time again." I replied. "Don't act so innocent Itachi. You know what you did." One of them spatted on me. "Who's this child you have hiding behind you." One asked stepping closer.

  "Don't you step any closer." I said holding Kusana tighter. "She's safer with us than she will ever be with you." He replied stepping even closer. "I said don't step closer. Don't forget what I did. And don't think for a second that you're above them." I spatted back at them. "Who are you guys." Kusana asked. "Kusana be quiet." I told her again. "Who are you? Did Itachi take you? Don't be scared, we'll take you back to your family." They all asked her and I can tell she was getting nervous. "NOOO! SHUT UP." She yelled. "Itachi my father. He didn't take me, he takes care of me. Father what are they taking about." She asked me. All ANBU looked at me and I went on my knees and faced her. She had tears coming down her face and I can tell she was scared. Her hands were shaking. "There there Kusana. Don't be afraid I promise I won't let them take you from me." I told her as I placed a kiss on her forehead and standing up to face them.

  "I will go with back to that village. But you do not put me in handcuffs and you do not touch her. Do I make myself clear. If you dare to not follow either of theses... I will show no mercy." I said taking Kusana left hand while her right was still holding on to my shirt. "Fine but if you do anything, we will take her away." One of them said causing her to grip tighter on my shirt. "Over my dead body you will. But should we go on our way." I said and following the 4 ANBU that were taking the lead. There were 5 behind us and 3 one each side. "Kusana don't be scared. I promised you I won't let anyone hurt you. " I told her.

    We been walked for a couple of hours and I could tell we still had a couple of hours left. "Father I'm tired and sleepy can we take a break?" She asked tugging my hand. "Not know Kusana in a little bit." I told her, looking down at her I could tell she really was tired. "Come here." I said turning to her and picked her up. "You're heavier from the last time I carried you." I said to her and she landed her head on my shoulder. "Kusana go to sleep I'll wake you when we get there alright?" I told her. "No, I don't know what going to happen, so I'm going to stay awake until I know you're safe." She told me lifting her head and grabbed my face just like before. I couldn't help but smile. "I'm a big boy I can handle myself. I'll be fine, please do to sleep." I pleased her and she left go of my face and rested her head on my shoulder.

After an hour or so I can hear her snoring and i smiled.

There there Kusana rest your tiny head and let all your worries drift away.

a/n : so how do you like this chapter ? ❤️ I'm kinda excited for this one ! 😛

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