Chapter IV: Tell me

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We ate breakfast in relative silence, I mostly feasted on what he brought, it was the first real food I've eaten since the day I left, a complete breakfast set, he brought some fruits along with bacon and eggs, pancakes dripping in syrupy goodness, pastries freshly baked, two bottles of milk, an icebox filled to the brim with chilled fruity juice drinks and more, he told me I could keep them, basket and all.

I even stored still quite a large portion of it for later, he brought too many.

he ate what I cooked; just some dear meat and some berries, but with such gusto, you'd think it was the best food the world could offer, I don't even think I'm that good of a cook but who am I to stop him if he gave me quite a trade.

All in all it was a win-win situation.

He kept glancing around the cave all throughout breakfast, it made me feel a bit self-conscious, like he's trying to figure me out by observing my habitat, and well...if I were to judge myself, I'd say I lived like a legit caveman.

Even if I was a bit surprised by my need to be on his good side, I wanted him to like me, I restrained myself from acting on it and left him to his own devices to make his own impression of me.

I was peaking at him every chance I get, just to gauge his reactions on me and the place, it became addictive at some point, he looked so at peace, it felt like I was intruding a holy place, hiding just to stay in it.

He suddenly looked at me and caught me staring at him, I gave him a startled look, the plate shook in my hand, the sausage almost fell, I averted my gaze towards my food, quickly snatching the sausage as it threatened to dive off my plate, I punished it by biting and swallowing it's half, my tongue darting out to clean my lips of the grease from the food reflexively,

There was a clanging sound and a grunt, I gasped, not expecting him to touch me so suddenly, even more that the little contact electrified my soul, his palm was on my cheek, thumb holding my bottom lip down, the remaining food fell from my hand, his thumb traced my bottom lip, lightly grazing my teeth, my tongue salivating at the thought of his taste.

His left hand was flat on the ground, toppling over a few empty food containers, his body leaned towards me over the dishes, face only a foot away, eyes dark, breath fanning my lips, a zoo buzzed in my stomach, we were breathing the same air, his breath was like a drug and I was the addict in need of it.

"Are you playing with me?" his voice was husky, it sent tingles up my spine, he was drawing nearer, well past my personal space, surely I have all the right to poke his eyes...

"..what do you mean?" I mumbled, feeling dizzy at the close proximity, his eyes were in front of me, it was the first time I'd seen them this close yet I still felt some sort of familiarity with them, the way they were smoldering a bit, the dark blue surrounded by sky blue, heaven and ocean met in those eyes.

He pulled me closer, his lips grazing the side of my mouth, he gave it a light nibble and I felt my whole body burn with cold electricity, it was so confusingly pleasurable, I arched my back at the onslaught of sensations, hitting the soft dirt, silently panting as I lay myself boneless on the ground, he was towering over me, both arms now caging me under him, his body over mine as he gazed down at me.

"You know how much you affect me," he inhaled at the crook of my neck, making me squirm, "just as much as I know how I affect you," he whispered, warm breath on my ear, he licked at it, I let out a moan, my mind was barely registering his words, I was hyperventilating, the events were too bizzare and sudden.

"Mate," the single word was like a bucket of cold water dumped on me, it made so much sense, yet more questions were plaguing my mind more than ever.

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