Chapter four

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Slendy's pov:
Being a father is harder than I thought. I had a random idea. I told my new daughter (y/n) we were going to live in a castle, a mansion where no one will ever hurt her and no one can ever leave her again. I know one day she'll leave but for now she's my little princess, and I will do anything to keep her sane and emotionally okay.
I regret the day I insisted self harm, I know one point in her life she will get depressed and know no answer other than self harm, it is my job that day doesn't come soon.
I continued letting her go to school but now instead of going to her old home, she'd come to the mansion.
No one seemed to question what happened at that house, the father was hardly ever home so it makes sense not to question it. Mortals probably believed they moved, I don't know. But one thing for sure, they won't find out in a long time.
I suppose moving hee schools had something to do with it. I'm sure her friends miss her but being just kids nothing to drastic would happen.
Tim's pov:
"Tim calm down," Its been three months since I last saw (y/n), I just couldn't handle it. Me and Brian we're at the treehouse discussing it. Well more like I ranted and he tried to help.
"She couldn't have just ran away could she? Why...where...when. WHAT HAPPENED!!"
"Tim, calm down, she probably moved,"
"Whats the big deal? You said you didn't even like her," I paused for a minute and messed with my hair in frustration.
"Brian did I ever tell you how much of an idiot you are?"
"Excuse me?"
"No no seriously think about it, you're an idiot,"
"I'm an idiot and your trying to negotiate with me making you an idiot for trying to teach an idiot," I laughed nervously trying to cheer myself up but in reality I felt as bad as the frowny face on the shirt Brian was wearing. Suddenly I thought about something, "DUDE!"
"Dude? Tim wh-" I interrupted him, "Dude why don't we find out what happened?! We know where she lives a-"
"We don't know if she still lives there,"
"We can still find something, there has to be something she left behind, that can lead us to where she is,"
"Tim I think you've watched too much criminal minds," I ignored his last response and grabbed my stuff. Though he wasn't completely on board, he followed me anyways and thus started our little quest.
6 years later~
Tim's pov:
NOTHING. I've been looking up and researching this faceless man for 6 years and got absolutely nothing. There's nothing but a bunch of bullshit on weather he's real or not. I don't care anymore as long as I get (y/n) back. I know it's stupid but I am the kind of person who never let's things go. Like Jeff, he still owes me a cookie because I let him have my cupcake, yes I'm in high school, yes that was elementary but hell yea I want that cookie.
I closed my laptop and lied in my bed. I stared up at my ceiling until I got a call from Brian, "MEET ME AT ROSEWOOD PARK ASAP!" He said in a concerning voice. I responded, "Yea sire no problem, which part should I go to?"
"You know the little playground nests to the forest?"
"Yea," I said while putting on my leather jacket and climbing out the window so my dad doesn't catch me, "you want me to meet you there?"
"No Tim I want you to meet me at the water tower three miles into the forest, YES AT THE PLAYGROUND!"
"Alright, alright, alright, I'll be right there," he hung up and I ran to the park to meet Brian in his orange hoody and a black shirt with a red frowny face on it just like the one he had back in 3rd grade. It must be some business logo or something.
The playground was empty at night, and no one is allowed to go into the forest after 7pm. It was far past that, it was 10:36 but something about the call Brian gave me seemed more important than rules about bedtimes.
"Take this," he said handing me a white mask with blacked out eyes and black lips.
"Why do I need this?" I questioned. He put his shirt over his face, zipped up his sweater and put the hood on, "Tim we're going into a forest park past 7, what do you think we need to cover our faces for?"
I put on the mask and Brian handed me some gloves, "Brian did you kill someone?"
"No, just shut up and find out for yourself," he put on his pair of gloves and took out a flashlight.
We headed into the forest, it was nice and not quite quiet. All we could hear were the crickets chirping, the water running, the frogs croaking, the wind blowing, and the sound of our feet in leaves and dead branches. We finally stopped by a tree with a drawing on the ground next to it. Brian picked it up and shined the flashlight at it, "Here you are," he said handing me the picture. I looked at it and see him. The faceless man on (y/n)'s wall. It was so similar I didn't know how to respond.
"How did y-" I was interrupted by  the sound of footsteps which was odd because we weren't moving. 

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