A Justifer Love Story

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Jennifer's POV

(Jennifer is 18 and it is her first day of collage, which Justin also goes to)

I can't take this anymore. I hate it. I just hate it! First day of college sucked so much!  There are no nice guys, no nice teachers, no nice people, no nice food, no nice subjects, no nice nothing!! Why does mum have to live so far, I miss her so much. Dad barely comes to visit us, he's always at work these days shooting his sitcom, 'Day's of our Lives'. My step-mom ... no comment. I really just someday I'll find happiness, just why can't it be now...

Justin's POV

Ahh, what a beautiful day today was. Sun was shining, it was a clear sky, birds were chirping, everything is so great. The only thing that could make it worse was first day of collage. AND IT DID! I can't believe mom is making me go to this dump. I hate it! Why did dad leave us ... I can't even explain how much I miss him and need him right now. Not only that, I need someone. Someone who is willing to understand everything I cope with and someone who is willing to me my angel, almost forever. I know life will give me happiness... just...when will that be? Sigh.....

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