Enter Noah

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The alarm clock's buzzing was just annoying enough for Noah to hit the snooze. The alarm had interrupted such a terrific dream. His wife lay on the other side of the bed, still asleep. Not a dream, a memory. He was remembering the third best day of his life. He was in high school. His dad was having the family of a friend from work over for dinner. The room brightened upon her entrance.  He immediately felt that the greatest joy in the world was to be with her.

"Hello," he said to her," I'm Noah."

"Hi, my name is Sarah," she replied


Every moment he could, he stole a glance at her. She was so beautiful.

He flashed forward two years to the second best day of his life when she said, "yes," and then to the best day when their dreams were realized with their many friends and family there as witnesses.

He often wondered how someone as amazing as her would love the nerd in military science, but then he remembered her incredible kindness and loved her.

The buzzing of the alarm clock woke him up again. In his pleasant thoughts he had dozed off. He inhaled deeply. After turning off the alarm clock he walked tiredly into his closet and picked out something to wear to work.

Noah worked for the Department of Defense. He wasn't allowed to say exactly what he did for the DoD, but it wasn't supervising the phone survelance like they told him to say.

A smile came to his face. It was Friday. That meant that Sunday was just two days away. He always felt at home when he went to church on Sunday. He finished getting dressed and kissed his sleeping wife on the cheek as he headed to work.

Dead Alive Trilogy (Book 1)-Before the stormWhere stories live. Discover now