Enter Hamiltons

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"He did what," Sarah asked the principal over the phone.

"He hit another student," the  principal answered plainly.

Her son Jonah didn't usually act out like that. "Do you know why," she asked.

"No," said the principal, "He won't say why until  his father is here. But it doesn't matter anyway. We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to fighting."

"Well, just keep him there till I get his dad and meet him at the school."

"Just hurry up Mrs. Hamilton. I don't want him to think he's gotten off."

Sarah  took her purse and got into her car to drive to Jonah's school.

"Hello. This is Noah Hamilton. Who is speaking?" Noah's work answer was so dull.

"Hi, honey," said Sarah into her cell phone, "Do you know what your son did?"

Noah's voice droppedin a sigh, "What'd he do?"

"He hit another student today."

"Really? Our Jonah," Noah was in disbelief. Jonah didn't hit people, "Do you know why?"

"His principal said that Jonah refuses to speak without his dad there."

"He knows his rights... I bet I can get there before you," he said and hung up.

Sarah thought that he must have a bunch of faith in his son's innocence if he was going to take it lightly like this. But this was his nature. Innocent until proven guilty. And if guilty, mercy. If not mercy, than justice. Noah was a just man. He was a kind man. He could turn anything into a game or a family activity.

Jonah sat in the principal's office clutching his knuckles. They were swelling. That would make it hard to snap the ball in his next football game. All his friends called him Ham on the count of his size, and his name. Hamilton to Ham. Simple. But he thought that he may not get to play the next game. His dad was bound to angry with him for fighting.

Just then, the door opened and in strode Dad, Noah Hamilton.

"Hello," his dad said to the principal, "I heard some pretty serious allegations about my son. Are they true?"

"Yes sir," replied the principal, "Your miscreant is beating on my students."

"Students?" Jonah's dad thought something was wrong with that word.

"Sorry, student. One student. But how are we to know that he wouldn't beat any more?"

"Beat?" Still something wrong.

"Sorry, hit. One hit. But it could have been more," the principal was flustered.

"It seems to me," Noah started, "That your accusations have been exagerated. Haven't they? Now what if there was a good reason for this violence?"

"It wouldn't change a thing! This school has a zero toleration for fighting! And I know you think you can bend around the rules just because you're one of the richest families in this school!"

"I don't think I can bend around the rules. I just have a better understanding of the rules than the average person. Or principal," Jonah sat quietly waiting for his dad to deliver the final blow, "I happen to be very influental on the school board. By the way, did you miss the last meeting, of course you did. You also didn't get the memo that this zero toleration thing is out, and students have a chance to present their case to a single adult, which is me. And if I deem in favor of them based on special pre-concieved guidelines they will be let loose without any harm to their record. Nos sidew let me do my new job ask my son the question he is due!"

The principal sat down. His lobster red face wore a scowl of defeat.

"Now, Ham," aid Noah to Jonah in a much softer voice than with the principal

Jonah smiled. Only his friends called him Ham. This meant that his dad was on his side.

"You're a good boy," Noah continued, "Your previous track record has allowed me to trust you when you speak. Don't change that record with this answer. Was it self defense?"

Jonah spoke for the first time in this scene, "Yes sir."

"Very well," Noah smiled, "I believe you and you will be released with no record of the incident."

The principal stood up, "You really just care if it's self defense! That doesn't matter! I can't stand by and watch this absurdity!"

"Then leave."

Noah's words stopped the principal in his tracks, "No thank you," he said cowardly.

"Then shut the hell up.''

 Noah brought Jonah out just as Sarah was pulling into the parking lot.

As she got out of her car to meet them, he handed Ham off to her and said, "I win, can you please take our son Ham home? I love you. I'll see you when I get home from work," he then got into his car and headed to work.

Dead Alive Trilogy (Book 1)-Before the stormWhere stories live. Discover now