Days Gone Away

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Noah looked into his wife's eyes. He'd planned this night for a week. He always went whole hog when he and Sarah got a night alone together. As they sat in the dim light of Fiola, the restaurant they were in, he just sat silent. Normaly he'd enjoy it, but he was uncomfortable. He looked down at his food. He hadn't eaten any of it, and he wasn't hungry either. The images of the experiment that day were haunting him. He wiped his face with his hand. Sarah noticed.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing, I can't talk about it," he responded.

"That's right," she said, " You will be charged with treason. But you will not make it to court."

Noah was confused, "What was that?"

"You are dismissed."

"What are you talking about?" Noah asked as his wife stood up out of her chair.

"Project Zulu... Solunam... If Project Zulu is exposed... you will not make it to the trial."

Noah didn't know what was wrong. in the middle of sarah's rambling she collapsed back into her seat. She was still conscious. The room was silent. All of a sudden, Sarah's eyes died. Her face gained a deathly pallor. Noah jumped up and almost tripped on his chair when he backed away. She- it was following him with its eyes. It lunged! Noah dove out of the way as it collided with the ground. He ran for the exit but was halted in his tracks by a horde of them. Blood was spurting out of there mouths and nose and any oter place that could possibly spurt blood. Then fine dresses and Armani suits of the diners that made this horde were torn to shreds. Noah turned to avoid them. He had to jump an a table to get around. The table split. Noah tried to get up but his leg was broken. The pain was killing him. Well, it would if the corpses didn't get to him first. He tried to crawl but the horde caught up to him. They grabbed at him, bit at him. He couldn't escape! He was fading! Fading!

Then he woke up.

Noah sat straight, panting. "Is something wrong?" Sarah asked sleepily from his side.

"No," he answered, still out of breath, "No. But, um. I think we need a vacation."

"Fine. Where to?"

"I don't know. I-I'll think about it tomorrow."

Yeah, it's a short chapter but Union time is over, that's all you get in the off hours.

Dead Alive Trilogy (Book 1)-Before the stormWhere stories live. Discover now