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Gabriel sat in his favorite chair in the library that he had decorated himself thirty-five years ago. His youngest daughter, his little Lilly-bean, was getting married and he would be damned if his baby girl would walk down the aisle in some off the rack wedding dress. Yeah, I fucking think not! When soft giggles interrupted the sound of smooth strokes of his charcoal pencil on the heavy cream paper he pretended not to notice. When those same giggles crept closer he reached up to rub at his ear, tugging on the three black rings helped him to stop the smile that was flirting with the corners of his mouth.

Right before the giggler could attack Gabriel dropped his pencil reached down and lifted his oldest grandbaby into his lap with a loud "ROAR". Between the scary monster sounds and the fact that he was tickling her mercilessly it took a while for them to calm down again. Gabriel smiled into six year old Sophia's silver eyes, just like her father and grandfathers. "Well Snuggles, what can your Grand-père do for you?" Gabriel watched as her little eyes roved the shelves and his smile grew when they landed on the colorful spines of the Song Books. Gabe kissed the top of her head and set her down.

"Ok Snuggles, go pick out the book you want and bring it here. Aunt Lilly's dress can wait a few minutes." Gabriel loved all of his children, and his grandchildren but Sophia was their first grandchild from their oldest child Daniel. She would always be special to him, and as the years passed and more grandchildren came, just like when his children were born, his heart would keep growing to make room. Christ, I have to stop with this sentimental bullshit. I'm starting to sound like a hallmark card.

Sophia looked over her shoulder at him "Grand-père, which book came first? " Gabe hopped out of the chair and went down on his knees beside the little dark haired girl. "Well let's see, your Gran gave your Ojiisan his first but you know what. You should pick the orange book, it's the best."

As the little girl went to reach for the orange leather bound book in front of her the door to the library slammed open. "Did I hear someone say Ojiisan?" Which one of my little apple dumplings needs their Ojiisan?" Sophia giggled and popped up from beside Gabriel to run into Sean's arms while Gabriel only sighed and rolled his eyes then assessed what Sean was wearing. Gabe scanned over his brother noting quickly that his 'Doctor Wear' was still in good condition, black slacks with a lavender button up. Hm, his coat is getting a little frayed at the hem. Looks like a new coat for the Doc is required.

Sean caught Sophia as she jumped and spun her around, his white coat flaring slightly "Now then snicker doodle, you know what happens to little girls that giggle." Sophia nodded her head not even bothering to try to cover her giggles and shouted. "They get KISSES!" Sean kissed her all over her face and then bounced her in his arms turning to look at his brother. "So how's Lilly's dress coming? You've been holed up in here for days!"

Gabriel rolled his eyes again "Oy, do I tell you how to sew people up, NO, then don't tell me how to create our baby's dress!" Sean huffed and turned to Sophia "Pumpkin pop your Grand-père is being mean to your Ojiisan ! Make him stop ! Sophia kissed Sean's face. 'Ojiisan now you are just being silly. Grand-père is going to read me one of the Song Books'

Sean smiled at Gabriel and then winked at Sophia. "You know what cherry tart? I think, since all of your cousins and aunts and uncles are here for Christmas it might be a good idea to read them as a family. What do you think?" Sean looked up at Gabriel to gage his reaction and was pleased to note that the soft smile that he and his brothers always got on their faces when thinking about their wife there. Gabe gave a brief nod and started closing up his art case and design supplies. Sean bounced the giggling girl in his arms once more as he walked to the intercom at the door to the library. Hitting the button for broadcast all he winked at his granddaughter and manfully ignored the eye rolls his brother was sending his way. I'm 56 not dead, they never understand the genius that is me, everyone knows that laughter is the best medicine. And I know that better than anyone...I'm a doctor.

"Attention Blackbourne Clan! This is your Ojiisan speaking! It has been brought to my attention that it is almost Christmas and we have not read the Song Books this year. If everyone could please move their butts in this direction we will begin shortly."

Sean flipped the switch and looked down at his oldest grandbaby. Her silvery eyes the replica of his best friends. If Owen were a sweet and cheerful little girl, even our Daniel wasn't as bubbly and happy as his Sophia...or as stick in the mud-ish as his father. "There now that should get people heading this way.

A/N: So this is my first fanfic! I hope you enjoy it! :) The Blackbourne Clan Consists of: Sang (Momma, Gran), Owen (Father, Grandfather), Sean (Otousan, Ojiisan), Kota (Dad, Grandpa), Nathan(Pop, Poppa), Victor (Padre, Nonno), Luke(Daddy, Granddaddy), North(Vati, Opa), Silas (Pateras, Pappoús),Gabriel(Papa, Grand-père). Obviously Sean's names are in Japanese and Silas is in Greek. Gabriel chose French and North took German. Victor chose the Italian versions because Sang's favorite composer is Vivaldi. Their children are: Daniel 32 (Owen), Adam 31 (Sean), Grace 30 (Kota), Sara & Bella 29 (Nathan), Aria 28 (Victor), Lillian 26 (Luke) , Easton 25 (North), Alicio & Lysander &Nikola 23 (Silas), Evan 21 (Gabriel)

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