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North looked up from the book and smiled, his wife was asleep in Victor's arms. Also as he looked around the room it appeared that a large number of his children were as well. He smirked at Silas. "Every time I read. Every stinking time they are out like lights." North watched as Lysander stretched nudging Easton who had been leaning closer to his sholder since the second that their Vati started reading.

"You know why right? You used to read us those car magazines on your nights to put us to sleep. So now we hear you reading and were trained to sleep." Daniel nodded agreeing with the triplet. "He's got a good point Vati" Silas stood abruptly and looked down at Victor who had been holding Sang.

"I'll carry her to bed, it was my night with her anyway." Victor smiled and nodded. He had known that he would have to give her up to one of his brothers but he was glad that he was the one she fell asleep on. She was so beautiful when she relaxed and snuggled into his arms.

Owen frowned slightly. He had been hoping to get a little one on one time with his wife before Silas claimed her but it was good to reread the song books. At his feed Lilly had sprawled out completely across her three fiance's and was apparently sleeping hard because she started muttering in her sleep. "'t take the cupcake.."

The quiet laughter that filled the room filled his heart and he watched in amusement as the trio tried to get out from under his youngest daughter to take her to bed. Saying his own good nights he brushed his hands down Sang's hair as he passed his brother on the stairs to his bedroom.

"Aggele mou, my beautiful wife." Sang rolled over and snuggled further into Silas' chest. "Morning Superman." Silas could feel the way the smile changed his face and deepened the laugh lines around his eyes. He had never imagined coming to America would make him this happy. He had a family, brothers, a wife, children, even grandchildren. And everything was because of this wonderful woman who shoved half her hair up his nosed while they slept.

Silas brushed her hair off his face before he started sneezing and ruined their morning snuggle. "Aggele, why do grizzlies wear diapers?" Silas felt her chuckle reverberate through his chest. "Mmm, I don't know. Why do grizzlies wear diapers?"

"Because....they have BEAR butts."

Her laugh at his cheesy joke rang out through the house.

After breakfast the whole family returned to the library and when Sang reached over to grab the ocean blue leather book from the shelf he pulled her into his lap. It was a louder affair than it had been the previous evening as there was more than a few shiny toys to keep the kids from getting into mischief while they read.

Sang snuggled into him then handed him the book and kissed his cheek when he allowed her to be pulled into the arms of Gabriel. Silas ran his work roughened hands over the leather. He loved his book, just like he loved waking up to his wife, her soft hands running over his skin while the light pierced the shadows of their room and filled his world with the equivalent of the light this beautiful woman placed in his heart.

"Wait I thought Luke was next?" Jake, Sara's husband asked. "Sean was the one to answer." No the order is Gabriel, Nathan, North, Silas, Victor, Kota, Luke, Owen, and myself. Jake nodded but then the focus was taken by his son who appeared to be doing the conga under his wife's skin. It took quite a while to settle everyone back into place as everyone had to stand up and feel the baby and try to get him to kick more. Which made a lot of noise, which then had the baby bump, that Bella had been using to balance her 2nd breakfast on, start to wiggle so that shrimp and grits spilled down her front and the bowl to end up in her husband Sam's lap.

Twenty minutes after the unborn time delay and clean up from the 'not yet infants' had been accomplished Silas was back in his spot with the book in his lap. His wife had been pulled into Kota's lap with Nathan making the two person love seat a three person throne while the couch dried. Clearing his throat to attempt to stop the chuckles that were still getting to him now that the fiasco had been dealt with Silas opened his book.

"Superman of my heart..."

*****A/N So sorry for the wait and the technical difficulties with this one! The song should be coming tonight or first thing tomorrow. I'll try not to leave you hanging so long again. Hope you enjoyed. : ) *******

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