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Sang's mind and heart jumped between fear and a giddy kind of hope as she penned the last lines of her North Star's song in his book. She knew that her love enjoyed metal and rock, the heavier the better. But she had heard this song on the radio one night, staring up at the stars waiting for him to come back after a mission and had known that it embodied everything she loved about her grumpiest, most protective, boyfriend.

Even if I still, sort of, mostly, believe him and his threat about putting me in a bubble.

Now all that was left would be decide how to give it to him. She had known that she wanted each of the boys to get the books individually. She had wanted them to know that they were her sole focus for the moments that they were together. She was always afraid that she wouldn't be enough for them in the end so she worked twice as hard on understanding how they felt and communicating with them when they were apart. So far it seemed to be working and she hoped that none of her loves took their books and chosen songs the wrong way.

Sang grinned as she received a text from Mr. Blackbourne so far Dr. Sean, Meanie, and Luke had gotten their books. Her North Star would get his tonight and she had decided the perfect way to give it to him. Mr. Blackbourne had been persuaded to give him information about a beach job on Pawley's Island.

As she had become less afraid of failure with her books the conversations with Mr. Blackbourne had become easier.

Well the one's by text anyway. I still am so afraid of speaking to him face to face. I know that I can't mimic his perfection when I don't have the ability to agonize over each line of text I send.

Sang: Mr. Blackbourne I wanted to thank you again for agreeing to do this. I want to make each individual evening special but North has been so busy lately I worry that he wouldn't want to come out with me in favor on catching up on some sleep.

Mr. Blackbourne: I do believe you underestimate the desire of our family to get time alone with you. However, I have given North his assignment as requested. You will let me know as you decide to schedule the rest of the family for their special evenings with you, won't you?

Sang: Of course Mr. Blackbourne.

Now Sang sat on a red and white checkered blanket in a black swing dress with pink polka dots on it. Gabriel had called her hair 'fifties sexy' and had encouraged her to take a chance on a night time picnic where she could watch the meteor shower with North.

Sang straightened the lanterns around the blanket lighting the candles as she heard the roar of a motorcycle. Lifting the lid of the retro picnic basket she had packed Sang checked, for what had to be the millionth time, the black journal nestled in between the folds of the cloth napkins she had found.


Sang stood smoothing out her dress. "Hello my North Star." Going up on her tip toes Sang brushed a kiss against his cheek and then pulled him into the circle of lights formed by the lanterns.

"What the hell Sang Baby? Who left you out here all alone, what job does Mr. Blackbourne have you doing and where the hell is everyone?"

Sang smiled her heart fluttering as North got louder the longer he talked. She would have been afraid of someone yelling at her but this was her North Star. He yelled because he loved.

"Dr. Sean dropped me off five minutes ago, the mission is a date with me including a picnic dinner on the beach and star watching and no one else is here."

As she calmly answered his questions she felt her nerves tense causing her middle to feel like it was shaking. Taking a deep breath she pulled him onto the blanket and curled up to his side.

"Have you had dinner?"

North blinked at her for a moment his two day old stubble and gold earring making him look dangerous in the glow of the candles. Then he smiled, not a smirk, but a real smile.

"No baby, I haven't, what's in the basket?"

Sang pulled out two thermoses of her Taco Soup, along with bread that Uncle had given her the recipe for and a pretty container for a fruit and yogurt parfait.

North grunted in acknowledgement of the healthy meal and kissed Sang on her forehead as thanks for taking his preferences into account. Opening the lid to the thermos he inhaled the spicy aroma of the soup and began eating, sliding glances over his baby as she did the same.

"Thank you for the meal Sang Baby. This is perfect."

After finishing the meal and praising again the wonderful, healthy, parfait North started picking up lanterns to extinguish the candles within. If they were going to watch the stars he wanted to lie back in the dark with his Baby beside him. Her soft hand on his halted him.

"Wait." Taking a deep breath Sang pulled the journal out of the picnic basket.

North grunted as he took it, trying to figure out what it was. Meeting Sang's eyes he saw the nerves that rippeled through the green depths and frowned wondering what was so important about this journal.

Opening the book Sang could see North's knuckles whiten as he gripped the journal tighter as he began to read.

My only North Star,

You are my fiercest protector; you make me feel safe when the world outside my home should terrify me. I know that as long as I have you no one can hurt me. You show so little of your true feelings to others but with me you let me see the real you. The person that I love...who saves me from my nightmares.

North read the book again re-opening the journal to make the music restart while Sang could see the muscles in his jaw flex.

And I see colors in a different way

You make what doesn't matter fade to grey

Life is good and that's the way it should be

You make sing 'oooh, la la la" You make a girl go oooh

I'm in love, love.....

And I get lost in your eyes...

Gently, almost reverently North put the journal on the picnic basket. The last strains of the song breaking the silence then he pulled sang against his chest slipping her into his lap.

"You'll never be without me to protect you Baby. Nothing could ever take me from you."

Sang settled against his chest, his warmth radiating through her sweater into her bones and she smiled, as the meteor shower sparkled overhead. Safe with her very own Star.

As she drifted off to sleep she heard his whispered. "I love you too Sang Baby, I love you too."

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