Chapter 1

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Michael ''Sonny'' Corinthos Jr. alleged crime boss is being led into the courthouse to await his hearing on the charge of first degree murder. Sonny goes over to sit down when he sees the one woman who has always been there for him through everything. She was the one woman who was able to do the one thing that none of the others could have done. Emily smiles at the man she loves more than anything as she makes her way inside the courtroom and takes her seat right behind Sonny.

''Hi, how are you holding up? I know that I should hate you and wish that I had never gotten involved with you. I should hate you for killing my brother but I can understand why you did it. But what I don't understand is how you faught to be with her but you didn't fight for us."

"Emily I loved you and to be honest with you I've never stopped loving you. I wanted to fight for us and for the life that I wanted us to have. But I just felt that you deserved to be with someone who was more stable and who could give you everything that I couldn't. You are still the love of my life. The reason why I broke up with you was to protect you from having to watch me spiral out of control and watch me crash during my next breakdown. You deserve so much better than to watch the man you love turn into a man who doesn't deserve to have someone as amazing and beautiful but most of all you gave me unconditional love. This is something that no other woman I have ever been involved with do. I am so grateful to still have you in my life.''

Emily smiles as she leans in and hugs him tightly.

''Sonny, even though you ended our relationship. I understand why you did it. I just wished that you had realized it back then and believed me when I told you the exact same thing when we were together.''

''I'm holding it together. You really shouldn't be here. I love you for wanting to he here to support me but I don't want the press to badger you about our relationship and why after all this time you have decided to come to support me. I still can't believe that I did this to my son. He hates me and I deserve everything that I have coming to me and that includes going to prison.''

''Sonny, stop talking like that. We all know that if it weren't for Ava manipulating you into thinking that AJ was the one who killed Connie that she would be the one sitting here getting ready to be sentenced to prison. Not you. Michael will be okay. Just give him some time and space. If you want I can talk to him for you."

"No. Sweetheart. I know that your heart is in the right place but I deserve to be in prison for all of the sins that I have committed. There is one thing that I will never regret or be sorry for and that is us being together. I would give anything to turn back the clock and do things differently this time."

Emily looks at him closely as she reaches out and takes his hand.

"What? What do you mean you'd do things differently?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. You've moved on and found happiness again with Nikolas. I'm happy for you."

Emily shakes her head. "No, Sonny. Nikolas and I aren't engaged or married. We're not even together anymore. He had another affair again. I couldn't marry him. Not when I am still very much in love with you. Don't worry about anything. I have no intention of chasing after you this time. If you want me back then feel free to chase me but if not then don't worry about me. If you decide that all you want from me is friendship then that is what we'll have. I do however will do whatever I have to do in order to get you acquitted."

Sonny returns the look as he walks over toward her and he gently takes her hands in his.

"No, Emily. I won't let you do that. If you do that than you'll ruin your career and your reputation. I will gladly go to prison for the rest of my life before I let you risk your future for me."

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