Chapter 3

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Sonny can't believe what he has just heard. He looks at Emily in complete surprise before he walks over towards her as he reaches out and takes her hands in his.

''You really mean it? You're really going to wait for me?''

Emily smiles at him as she holds his hands in hers.

"Yes, Sonny. I'm going to wait for you to come home to me.''

''I wish I could turn back the clock and re-do the night that I ended our relationship and propose to you like I had planned to instead of breaking up with you.''

Sonny replies to Emily as he reaches out and gently runs his fingers over her cheek as he wipes away her tears.

''You......... you were going to propose?'' Emily says in surprise and shock.

Sonny smiles at her as he continues to wipe away her tears.

''Yes, angel. That was my plan. But after my first session with Lainey and she had diagnosed me I realized that I had to do the right thing and not be selfish. If I had known that Nikolas was going to go behind your back again and cheat on you for a second time I would have never broke up with you. I would have went through with my plan and taken you back to Spain and proposed to you there like I had planned to.''

Emily looks at him smiling when she comes up with an idea. ''Sonny, I have an idea. Where's Diane?''

''She's talking with Scott in the judge's chambers. Why? What do you have planned?'' Sonny replies wondering what she has planned.

''Just know that I love you and it will work out. I'll be back as soon as I can.'' Emily replies to Sonny as she leans in and kisses him deeply before she pulls back and gently caresses his face.


Hours later the jury has been busy listening to testimony and testimony of the night that Sonny killed AJ when Alexis, Emily, Michael, Morgan, Kristina, Molly and Dante all walk into the court room.

''Hi, So sorry, we're late your honor.'' Diane tells the judge.

''It's all right, Ms. Miller. Might I ask why Ms. Quartermaine is here with Mr. Corinthos's children are here?'' The judge replies.

''You mean Mrs. Emily Corinthos. And they are here to show their father love and support.'' Diane replies back.The judge gives Diane a look before Emily steps in and hands Diane her and Sonny's marriage license.

''Your honor, before we begin I'd like to add this into evidence a copy of my client's official marriage license which you can see it is dated to show that Mr. & Mrs. Corinthos marriage is in fact legal.'' says Diane as she hands the judge the marriage license.

The judge takes the marriage license and looks it over to make sure that it's in order before she hands it back to Your witness, Ms. Miller. The Judge looks between Diane and the D.A.

"Thank you, your honor.  The court calls Mrs. Emily Corinthos."

Everyone in the courtroom gasp and whisper as they watch Emily walk over to take the stand and be sworn in.

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