Chapter 2

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I look over at my clock, 9:36. Ugh, why is it so early. I rolled out of bed and fell to the floor. I always make myself get out of bed, because if I don't I'll stay in bed until 12:00; and I'll be mad at myself for wasting my entire day.

I smell something, I think my parents are cooking breakfast. I love when my parents cook breakfast in the morning. They're never here, they're always at work.

I pulled myself up and walked out of my room then down stairs and into the kitchen. My parent's and my little brother's and sister were all making breakfast with Mom and Dad.

"Good morning, California", my mom said.

"Hey, big sis", Lilith said.

"Hey, big sis", Paris and Europe said.

I know, our name's our weird. I think my parent's were on drugs when they named us.

"Hey guys", I said.

I walk over to see what they're cooking, and they're done? Thank you, because I do not like to cook, I dread it. I would probably live off of microwaveable food, if I didn't have my parents.

My family made pancrapes and they all fixed their own plate while I followed behind.

"So, when did you go to sleep?" My dad asks.

"12 o'clock", I said.

"What were you doing?"


"The usual", he says while nodding.

"Yep", I said awkwardly. Me and my dad really don't have a great relationship. He's usually at work or on business trips. I wish we'd spend more time together, but he rejects me every time I ask if he wants to do anything with me. He usually says "no" or "I'm not dancing with you" and I never asked or expected him to.

My mom broke the silence "so what dance were you practicing last night?"

"Stuck by Monsta X"

"I've never heard of that."

"Me neither", my dad said under his breath, my parents both broke into a giggle.

I rolled my eyes and fixed my plate and sat down at the table with my younger siblings. My parents followed behind.

This morning's breakfast was quite awkward, because no one spoke a single word. I looked up from my plate and looked around at everyone, and my parents were eating very quickly for some weird reason. Then I remembered they had to catch a flight to France.

My parents had to go on an international business trip to this convention that was "required" for them to go. But, then I found out that you only have to volunteer to go. That kind of makes me sick because they never want to see us or be with us. I would never do that to my kids.

My parents got up from the table and quickly put their dishes in the sink. Then came over to us and gave us all kisses on the forehead.

"Bye, my beutiful butterflies. I promise we'll be back soon." Mom said.

"Yeah, bye guys, we'll miss you so much", my dad said. I almost felt like he was saying that sarcastically.

They then waved goodbye cutely and started walking to the door.

" The babysitter will be here in ten minutes, bye babies", my mom said and they were both gone.

We all heard the click from the door, which indicated that they have left. We all looked at each other with sad and confused faces.

"When are they coming back?" Lilith asked almost about to cry.

"I-I don't know, but they said soon", I told her.

"Why are they always gone?"



"Yeah, but guys don't be sad, we'll still have fun without them, okay."

They all looked at me with a little hope in their eyes, and that made me happy.

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