Chapter 4

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I laid on the floor exhausted. I stared up at the ceiling and wanted to continue to dance, but was to tired. I got up and walked over to my clock to check what time it was. 12:54 p.m, oh it's lunchtime. I should go downstairs and put something together for my siblings, and I guess for that dude too. I didn't even know his name, but at the same time I really don't care.

I sat on the floor for a while so I can cool down.

I looked on my phone for a while, then I got up when I felt like I wasn't as sweaty as I was before. I unlocked my door and walked downstairs to the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I was furious and shocked at the same time.

"What the hell are you doing!" I screamed.

"You didn't say I wasn't allowed in the kitchen", he said calmly.

He continued doing what he was doing. I looked around the kitchen and was extremely surprised that he was cooking.

"What are you doing?" I said while walking towards him.

"Making lunch, problem?" He said while slightly looking back at me.

"Yes I have a problem, why are you in here?"

"Because I'm your babysitter and I'm hired to take care of you. But, luckily you guys have quite a bit of ingredients I notice", he says while looking through the cabinets.

"You eat healthy?", I said with my arms crossed.

"Yeah, duh. How do you think I got these guns?" He flexed his muscles showing off his hard work. While looking at me with a smirk on his face.

I looked at him with a face of disgust.

"What?!" he says, he looked a little embarrassed.

"Don't do that. It's . . . nothing."

"Okay", he puts down his arm and goes back to what he was doing. "I also noticed that you guys don't carry much meat, mostly chicken."

"Yeah, we're all sort of simi-vegitarians so we don't eat a lot of meat, why do you care?"

"I don't know, just curious."

"So, what did you cook?"

"Why do you care?"

I stared at him with shock, "because your in my house cooking with my food."

"But, I'm the babysitter which means I'm in charge, which means I can make you eat nothing." He turns around and looks at me with a hug smirk on his face that shows he really means it.

He did not just say that to me? I'm going to put him in his place.

"Well, I'm not a baby and your a babysitter-"

"How old are you? Because your acting like your five right now and you look like it too." He stares me down and waits for me to respond but my mouth is wide open. I soon close my mouth and tried to find something to say.

"This is my house-"

"It's your parents house."

". . . I'm calling my parents", I reach down to my pocket and bring out my phone.

"Okay, you do that", he returns to what he was doing.

I speed dial my mom and she picks up the phone.

"Yes honey?"

"The babysitter is cooking in our kitchen and he says he can choose whether I eat or not."


"Okay! Your fine with me starving!"

"No! He's the adult so he makes the adult decisions, so he can tell you guys whatever."


"What! He's in charge. I have to go honey, bye bye!"

She hangs up.

I looked up from my phone and I felt like crying, but I had to stay strong. I thought my parents would at least agree with me once in a situation like this.

I looked at our babysitter, and he had such a huge smirk on his face that he looked like he almost had to stop himself from laughing like a mad man.

"So, what did she say?"

I blankly look at him with my arms to my side.

"Are you hungry?", he asks.

"No", I say while turning around about to make my way back to my room.

"Come on, I tried being nice to you in the beginning. You can at least eat the food that I cooked." He looked really sincere.

We stared at eat other for a long moment, "Whatever", I said and trudged over to the table and sat down and looked at what he cooked. He made bagel sandwiches. This is my favorite food in the whole entire world! I stared at it as though I thought it was disgusting.

"Like it?" he ask.


"Okay." He puts a little smile on his face. "Good enough for me."

He yells for the others to come and eat their lunch. He then sits down at the table last and we eat. He also looks at me with those deceiving eyes and gives me a smile. I don't smile back, he hasn't earned it yet.


I walked up to my room after lunch and sat down on my bed and watch some YouTube videos. I usually just watch dance videos or BTS Bombs or MV's. Yep, my whole life is K-Pop and I can't stop it. But, I also like hip-hop but that's basically K-Pop.

I also really like BTS. I hope to perform for them or with them in the future. I wish to dance next to Suga, but I doubt he'll want me to dance next to him. I'm more on the plumpy side of the body builds. I'm not huge and I'm not a rail. I got small legs and a pretty round behind. Or at least I think I do. My head's a little to big and I'm really short. Sometimes, I wish I was Suga's size so I'll have a greater chance with him. But, I hope one day he'll look into my eyes and look past that.

Throughout the day I practice my dancing until I notice it's 8:30. I'm not very hungry so I'm not going down stares to face that huge giant.

I climb into my bed and go to sleep so I can be well rested for the long day at school tomorrow.

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