Chapter 3

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I walked back to my room and changed out my pajamas and into some dancing clothes. I put on my shoes and turned on the music, and I instantly felt like moving. I played Seventeen's "Very Nice" and felt the whole dance. I felt the music flow through my body and forced me to move, and I liked it. I understood every move and it's meaning; and had the flow down pack.

Then I noticed my door slowly creaking open and I lost everything.

"Big sis", my little sister said while opening the door.

I turned off the music then looked at her. She knows not to barge in on me when I'm dancing.

"Yes", I ask.

"The babysitter is here", she says.

Oh no. I hate babysitters. I have to tell them all the rules and everything, and that's so annoying when you have to repeat that a million times a month.

"Okay", I said and walked down stairs with her. I saw the babysitter and it was a dude! No! He can be a rapist he is not aloud here, he has to leave. Then I got closer and he was really cute. No! Rapist!

My brother's were around him, jumping and asking him a million questions.

He was tall, maybe six feet, and had healthy brown hair that was put up into a quiff. He had muscles, and wore black glasses that had a really thick frame. Nerd? Works out? This is my type of guy! No! Rapist! He's dangerous!

Me and my little sister got half way down the stairs and he suddenly looked up.

"Oh, you must be the oldest?" He asked with a really cute smile. Rapist! Remember!

He walked towards me and and put out his hand for me to shake. I stood in silence and looked at him for a moment and he brought his hand back with the other. He cleared his voice and spoke.

"So, your parents asked me to babysit you guys. This is my first time doing this, so sorry if I look a little lost at times."

"Why would you look lost, it's just human interaction." I said looking at him. He stared at me and showed that he just made himself look stupid. He lingered in the same spot for a minute and closed his eyes and spoke again.

"Well, yeah if you think about it that way. But, this is a job that I'm new too and I'm the only child. So, this job may be a little difficult for me."

"Okay", I said and walked away. While I was walking away he put his hand on my shoulder and stopped me and I almost lost it. "Hold up, you do not touch me." That's my mom's side that's coming out.

"Sorry", he said while putting his hands up acting like he's surrendering. His face looked very scared and frightened.

"Okay, before you start your job, let's get some things straight. Okay, you touch none of us. Next, you sleep in the living room. Lastly don't come in any of our rooms, especially mine."

"Okay", he said while backing away slowly.

"Good, now that you understand, I'm going upstairs and into my room. Oh, and don't come upstairs either. You're not allowed." I told him.

"Okay, cool", he said while giving a thumps up.

I walk up to my room and lock the door shut. I swear if anyone comes in my room today I'm going to hurt them.

I turned on my music and played "Adore U" by Seventeen.

I got lost in the music and forgot about everything and anything around me.

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