Chapter 4: The Bully

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The next day...
You were really hyped for today because they was going to be a battle royale but then when you get to school you see a old rival... Fenniken... When you were in about 3rd grade she either stole all your crushes or made your life the worst thing ever! You really wanted to battle against so you can kick her butt! You turn around and see Fenniken talking to Pikachu you think: OH HELL NO! NOT AGAIN! After Fenniken was done talking to Pikachu I was going to talk to him and I hear Fenniken quietly say "Loser... Your gonna lose another one just like last year..." After your done talking to him you get asked if you wanted to hang out with him and his friends of course you say yes "See ya at 6:00 then?" "Sure!" You answer. After your done talking you turn around and stick your tongue at Fenniken. "Why don't you turn around?" You turn around and you see a board with all the battle pair ups...






Your heart nearly stopped

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