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The First Murder

The police man answered the phone, hearing a panicked voice at the other end, after he had said the usual, "9-9-9 what is your emergency?" He listened to the frantic woman, writing down details that he thought were going to be necessary.

"Oh my god, it's terrible, he's dead!" The woman cried out, rough sobs taking over her body.

"Slow down, love, and tell me what's going on, yeah?" The police officer said calmly into the phone, as he quickly got interested into what could possibly be wrong.

"O-Okay, so, I was walking home from w-work, and I was walking down th-the normal alley I have to in order to get home, and -" There was a sob heard, "I-I saw the body, I-I think i-it's a-a boy, but I'm not sure -" Another sob came through the line, "I-I think it was a murder!" She cried out, with a little sob.

The police officer nodded, "Alright, please tell me where you are, we'll send some officers there immediately." He said, calmly and soothingly, "There's no need to panic, we've dealt with cases of the like before," He added as a reassurance to the women.

"I-I'm at 0197 Parks Street," The woman sniffled out, "Please come soon," She whispered.

"I myself, and some others will be there shortly miss, don't worry," The police man said, before he started to end the call, "Thank you for calling, we will be there shortly," he said, before he hung up, and started to round up his little 'crew' of men. "Come on, lads, we got a murder case!" He yelled, and immediately Josh, Dan, and Sam were in front of him, uniforms professional looking. Kyle - the chief who had answered the call - nodded, and lead them out. "0197 Parks Street, get there now!" He barked, and they all started the journey to the address.

Upon arrival, it looked like a normal alley, but there were four women there sobbing as they looked to the body. Chief Kyle walked up to the ladies, "Hello, loves, which one did I speak to?" He asked kindly. The four looked over, and three of them pointed to a petite blonde girl.

"I-I did sir," she said, nodding to him, Kyle smiled politely, "I'm Kyle Morrison. May we ask some questions?" He asked, gesturing to himself and his crew.

"Yes, of course," A girl with purple hair nodded, and Kyle nodded to Josh to question her, while he ordered Sam and Dan to question the two who hadn't said anything.

After questioning the four girls, Kyle walked over to the body, picking up the note that was laid there.


Everyone knows that's just 'murder' backwards.

One down, three to go.

L. I. O. N. R. H. N. A. L. A.


The Second Murder

Kyle had gotten another call, from a teenage boy, who was just freaking out, Kyle could just barely understand the kid. After going there, he questioned the boy, and his one friend, before checking out the body, he found a note again. Before he read it though, he continued to look around, and noticed, there on the wall, was an eerie looking painting, not just because it was in an alley, at night, but because it was written in a substance, that normally stayed inside the body. Blood. It spelled out something very familiar, Redrum. Kyle didn't know how he'd sole this case, but he sure wasn't going to let it bother him that this was in fact, the second murder in a month, from seemingly the same person. They've done everything, and when they were about to close the case, another body showed up.

Kyle sighed, and stood before walking to his car, reading the note once there.


Everyone knows that's just 'murder' backwards.

Two down, two to go.

L. I. O. N. R. H. N. A. L. A.

Kyle still didn't understand the last jumbled letters, he tried everything he could, but he could not seem to figure out what it meant. He may never know, though.


The Third Murder

This one happened like the last, Redrum waited until the investigation on the two civilians had calmed down, just enough to where everyone relaxed, then he killed again, this time a woman again. Kyle and the others traveled to the murder site, and started asking the caller and his friends - one boy and one girl - questions about what they had seen. After that had finished, it seemed like a dense sense of deja vu hit him like a ton of bricks. He went to the body, and grabbed the note, reading it over.


Everyone knows that's just 'murder' backwards.

Three down, one to go.

L. I. O. N. R. H. N. A. L. A.

And again, Kyle sighed, not knowing what to do about this killer, person. He seemed to only strike when after the news, and investigation had died down again, before he killed someone again. He didn't think that'd be a smart thing to do, and then he noticed a little blood stain on the letter from none other than Redrum himself, or really, just the blood. Kyle was sure it was the boys laying on the grounds' blood. After he had gotten the test back about it, he had seen the results, only proving his thoughts, it was only Jacob, the boy found dead in the alley.


The Fourth Murder

This murder had stood out from the rest, though, it happened quite the same as before. The news had died down, the investigation nearly closed, before Redrum stroke again, this time on a women about Kyle's sisters' age - 25. He himself was 31. When the call came in, it was almost expected, but again, it surprised him. So, he did the same routine over again, he went to the scene of the murder along with the other three, and asked them questions, before he went to the body, grabbing the note, he walked back to his car, and read it over. Before re reading it again.


Everyone knows that's just 'murder' backwards.

But he's next, dear Kyle. He's. Next.

L. I. O. N. R. H. N. A. L. A.

Kyle frowned, he didn't know who he even was, how was he supposed to either find the murderer, or tell the person to stay safe, and inside? Maybe the letters formed names, he had thought about it before, the jumbled letters could've been names, but he hadn't tired, so that's what he did. He wrote down names that formed from the letters in the notes.

After he was done, he only had a few names, Rian Nollah, Noah Allrin, Aaron Nhill, Nala Rilon, Niall Horan... None of the names' seemed real, maybe Noah Allrin, and Niall Horan, but that was it, nothing else seemed to make any sense what-so-ever. Kyle sighed, it was useless, he had about three months before everything died down again, before the next murder happened, if it was a murder, it sounded more like Redrum was going to kidnap him, or something. It only makes sense, if he was after that one person, wouldn't he be dead already?

All Kyle knew was that this was no ordinary murder case.

This is probably the longest prologue I've ever written... Lol. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, leave a vote, and comment below what you think, do you think Niall is the victim, or do you think he is the murderer?

I'm gonna go~

Bye you lovely people!


Word count: 1273

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