Chapter Four--Confusing Acts of Kindness

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Haiii I'm back with a new chapter!! I'm trying to update quickly, but I'm busy and stuff sooooo... Yeahh..... Anyway, enjoy the new chapter!

Larry Official


After Niall had told Zayn about Mikayla and Jace, Zayn was left alone again in the basement with the kitten that Liam had brought down. Niall had said they were leaving for a bit, and not to wait up, not that he could anyway. At first Zayn had pouted because he's been alone for about two days and he was lonely. He didn't want to be alone again, not like he had a choice in the matter, though. He was the hostage. He didn't have any say in what he did while he was there. How long would he be there? He hoped not long enough for his parents to notice him gone-- or worse.. His dad to find out. He shivered at the thought, that wasn't his father. His father was a sweet man, this man who had taken his place wasn't at all nice. He had beaten him, within an inch of his fucking life. Zayn hated that man, with a passion. That man wasn't his father. Zayn blinked, and laid down on the bed.

After two hours, he was alone again. Great.



Niall and the others were out shopping, Niall was panicking because, what if Zayn didn't like what they got? He knew it was stupid, because this would be just another person to kill, but Zayn was different, and he knew he shouldn't be, and he was just so fucking confused. Like, he shouldn't be special, and he shouldn't like him. Like no, kidnappers don't fall for their.. host? Whatever, but Niall was running on pure hope, and luck to know what to buy Zayn. Why was he even buying him shit? Niall huffed at himself confused. Why would he want to? Oh yeah, because he was falling for him. Fuck. This wasn't supposed to happen. The notes were to get Zayn to trust him. Then he was gonna kill him. The time alone with Zayn, those two hours, was to gain even more trust but now Niall can't even trust himself because he knows he won't be able to kill Zayn.



Two Hours After That.. 

Zayn had finally fallen asleep when someone was shaking him awake, Zayn groaned, and waved off the person who was there, "Lemme alone. Jus' got to sleep." He mumbled tiredly, curling up in the bed sheets. He heard a soft laugh, and his eyes fluttered open to glare at the intruder. Louis fucking Tomlinson. The insane one. Greaat. Notice the sarcasm. He sighed, and sat up. "Yes?" He asked, yawning. "Niall wants to see you," the boy briefly explained, before leading him through the house, and up the stiars to the second floor where Niall's room was located. Zayn followed along slowly, his eyes drooping. He didn't get much sleep, hell, he never did.

When they reached the room, Louis knocked, before a messy haired Niall opened the door groggily. He had obviously been close to sleeping. "What?" He mumbled, but when his eyes landed on Zayn, he understood. "Oh, hi." He murmured, and gestured him to come inside. "Come on, Louis, out." He mumbled, and Louis nodded, heading down the stairs to his own room, obviously to sleep. "You wished to see me?" The dark haired boy asked quietly, shyly. He didn't understand why though, if he was in any other situation, he would've escaped by now. Would've beat his kidnappers ass to a pulp. Wouldn't let himself be kidnapped. Maybe it was because Niall was different... No, he was just too tired, or lazy to. "Yes, come on, Zayn." He said, leading him into the room, sitting on the bed. "I bought you clothes, their in the corner. Hope you like them." He said, smiling sweetly at the boy.

Zayn cautiously walked over to the bag, and opened it, gasping as he saw lots of clothing he's always wanted, but could never afford. "Thank you," he said quietly, unsure of what this was supposed to mean. He shrugged it off, and hoped it meant Niall wasn't gonna kill him after all. "I love them all." He said honestly, smiling at him. "I'm glad you do," Niall said, softly, smiling at the boy. He knew he was questioning it, but was glad he wasn't going to actually verbally ask him what it meant, because even Niall didn't know what it meant. He just wanted to, he guessed silently to himself. Zayn smiled softly, "Am I going to sleep up here, or back down in the basement? I'm tired," he said, yawning softly, making Niall smile, but he quickly wiped said smile off of his face. He didn't want to like Zayn, therefore, he simply wouldn't. "You'll be sleeping in the basement," the blonde haired boy said to the boy, humming silently almost. "Alright," Zayn said, disappointed. He was confused with himself, this was his kidnapper, he should be happy he's not sleeping in the same bed, why is he disappointed. "Show yourself there. Liam should be expecting you." Niall said quietly, and Zayn nodded, walking to the door. In the morning he'd ask if he could have paper and pen/pencil to write/draw with. He loved both. 


In The Morning...

Zayn woke up to a loud bang on his door, jumping awake with a squeal. He heard howls of laughs, and scowled, knowing it was Harry and Louis, the two seemed attached at the hip. "Good morning hostage!" Louis cat-called as he walked inside his room, Zayn sighed, about to lay back down, and ignore Louis when he notice Niall walk in, and watched him. "Louis, Harry leave." He said, making the two boys run off somewhere inside the house. Zayn smiled at Niall, "Thank you." He whispered, looking down slowly. "Don't mention it," Niall replied, and walked to his bed, Zayn peered up at hijm, still laying down. "Okay," he said quietly, and closed his eyes. "I can sleep more?" He asked, making Niall laugh, "Yes, I'll tell Liam to keep an eye on you." He said, "Make sure to change when you get up, we're going somewhere." He said, before he turned to leave.

Zayn frowned, "Where?" He called after him, "Wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, would it?" Niall called back as he left, keeping his word he told Liam to go keep an eye on the boy, as he started preparing for the day to come. "No, I suppose not." Zayn said to the air, before he rolled over, and closed his eyes, letting sleep over come his body.

So this is complete shit, but I had to re-fucking-write it because the chapter was deleted aka the reason why this is up so fucking late, I'm sorry. Comment below your thoughts, for next chapter 5 comments please. This was not edited the second time I wrote it (this time) so, expect some spelling errors.

xx Larry Stylinson xx

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