Chapter Three --- Curiosity

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Third Person Point of View

He had been here for awhile, how long? He didn't know, all he knew is that he hasn't had any connection to people for some time now. He didn't understand, he thought Niall was gonna be relatively nice, because that's how he was in the letters, but so far, he hasn't seen him once since he arrived here, and that had been awhile ago. He was scared shitless, as he sat on his bed, wrapping his arms around his knees. He flinched as the door opened, and a figure came inside. He whimpered, and pushed back against the wall, his eyes clenched shut. "Please don't hurt me." He whispered.

Louis giggled from the door, "I'm not hurting you, silly." He said, coming down with some food. "I'm bringing you food." He said, and set the food on the small desk there, before he walked over to Zayn, and checked him out, "Though I see why Niall wanted you.." He smirked darkly, making Zayn flash his eyes open wide in panic. Louis smirked, and ran his fingers down his neck, before he stood up, "Hope you enjoy the food," he quipped, and just like that, the flamboyant boy was out of the basement.

Zayn let out a breath, his eyes wide with fear, and relief. "What the hell?" He whispered, laying back on the bed. He looked at the food, and scrunched his nose up. "Fuck that." He muttered, before he rolled over, closing his eyes, he let sleep overtake his senses.


Hours later he woke up to.. A feeling. Zayn looked around panicky, what was that? He saw someone- maybe something like a dog or cat- in the corner blinking at him. He yelped, and pushed himself in the corner, normally he wasn't this skittish, but being alone for hours, without any interaction, made a person go bonkers. Zayn watched as the thing- cat he decided as he stalked closer- approached him. 

 The cat went into Zayn's lap, and curled up, Zayn let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and pet the kitten. He smiled softly, suddenly relaxing. He loved animals, they calmed him immensely. He smiled to himself, his capter must know more about him then he thought. He held the kitten close, petting him contently, sighing softly. He heard the door open, but paid no mind to it, as his attention was solely on the kitten in his arms. He jumped when someone started talking, his eyes flashing open in fear. 

Liam chuckled, "Calm down, Zayn. Niall sent me to let you upstairs," he said, holding a leash. Zayn's gaze fixated on it, "What's the leash for?" He whispered, wide eyed. Liam chuckled, "Niall doesn't trust you to try and escape." He said, and walked closer, Zayn whimpered, backing away, "I'll stay down here." He whispered, wide eyed, trying to get away from the leash. Liam chuckled, "Isn't that cute," He said, walking closer, he rubbed his cheek, "Niall's orders," he said, and looped the leash around his neck. Zayn whimpered, tears filling his eyes. "Please I wanna stay down here." He whispered.

Liam let out a short laugh, and shook his head. "Niall wishes to see you." He said, "If it were me, I'd let you stay down here, but it's bosses orders." He said softly, "Come'ere." He said, and Zayn approached, his head down, closing his eyes tightly. Liam wrapped the collar around his neck, and attached the leash, before leading him up the stairs.

Zayn looked around as they travelled, and noticed the different pictures hanging on the wall of a brunette boy, and a blue haired girl. Siblings? Friends? Zayn didn't know, he gasped softly as he was tugged softly, and started following him again. "Sorry." He whispered, and hurried after him. Liam shook his head, meaning no reason to be sorry. Liam continued through the house, as Zayn looked around. There seemed to be a little area for games, like PS4, and X Box One, and other game systems that were older, such as N64, and Game Cube. He continued with Liam, and saw a curly haired boy, Harris? No, something else, Harold maybe, but Zayn only recognized him from school. School.. Seems so long ago that they had school. Zayn knew that it had been only a year and a half, but still. Everything's changed since then. He looked forward, and noticed they had stopped in front of a door that said Niall. This is it, Zayn thought as the door opened, and Liam left him and Niall alone after handing him the leash.

Zayn gulped, and lowered his gaze, he felt as if he shouldn't be cowering under his gaze, but he had kidnapped him, what else was he supposed to do? Niall smiled as he saw Zayn, and lead him inside the room. "Hello, Zayn." He said, making Zayn look up. "Hi." He said quietly, scared if he talked too loud he'd be hurt. Niall smirked a bit at that, and shook his head, sitting at his bed, "Make yourself comfortable, but don't take off the leash." He said, and Zayn sat in the bean bag chair silently. "I'm Niall, obviously." He started, "I know I've done some pretty bad stuff, but I can assure you, I won't hurt you. I'm not that type of guy." To hurt someone I love. Niall thought silently to himself. Zayn peered up at him, "Why am I here?" He asked quietly, before looking back down. He hated how he felt around Niall, around anyone else in a different time he'd be up in their face, and scaring the shit out of them, not the other way around. He sighed quietly, and peered up at Niall as he started talking again.

"You're hear for many reasons, some I'll tell you, others are best if kept secret." Niall began, smirking a bit as he saw Zayn cower. At some point, Niall hoped, he wouldn't do that, but for now it was amusing. He knew he scared the shit out of Zayn, and sometimes he resented that fact, but now it was just plain old amusing. He chuckled quietly, making Zayn's head snap up, his eyes wide as if he had done something wrong. "What?" He whimpered, and Niall chuckled softly, "Nothing, Zayn. Just.. Thinking." The boy nodded silently, and curled into the bean bag chair. Niall smiled, "Anyway, you're here because you are a hostage, and because I want you to be here. Other than that, I won't tell you anything, those things you'll just have to guess." He said, standing up from his bed, taking the leash, "Come along, pet. We have some things to explore." He said, tugging softly on the leash, so Zayn would stand up. Zayn whimpered, standing up obediently, he didn't want to be hurt-- oh god-- what if Niall planned to hurt him? He whined at the thought, making Niall look back perplexed. "You okay?" Zayn nodded quickly, and silently as to not upset him.

Niall nodded, and started forward again. Zayn followed obediently, looking around as they went, listening to Niall as he talked. He told Zayn about the house, why he was there, how it was built, and many other things that Zayn didn't bother to pay mind to. He wasn't sure if he was scared, or just... Yeah, no. He was petrified. He didn't know why he was here other than the fact that he was a hostage and because Niall wanted him there. Zayn scowled at the thought, why would someone want Zayn there? He was just Zayn, not anyone special like the Prince or something. He sighed, and paid attention to Niall again, listening to him tell him about each of the rooms. When they reached the picture in the staircase-- the one of the brunette, and the blue haired girl-- Niall stopped completely. "That's Jace, and Mikayla." He said softly, "They were all I head, Jace was my first everything, first kiss, first love, first boyfriend, first time. Everything. Mikayla was a crazy little shit, you'll meet them hopefully, some day. They're in a relationship now, Jace is pansexual, by the by. It didn't hurt me that they got together, but it was uncomfortable at first, then I was fine with it." Zayn listened intently, noticing how Niall's voice held a certain fondness to it that you'd only have if you were talking about someone you loved. Zayn smiled softly, and looked up at him. "They're in Australia now, with people Mikayla had met before she met me. Kaela, Liz, Raelee, James, and Steve. They're her everything, she wouldn't be here without them." Niall said, "And for that, I'm thankful." He said softly, "I wouldn't be here without Mikayla." He said honestly, making Zayn question if he was really okay.

Zayn was curious now, curious about Niall. What was his story? Why did he suddenly kill those people?

Haii, so sorry I haven't updated in awhile. But I hope you like it ^.^ I know it's a little short, but I'm trying here, okay? Lol, I don't normally write long chapters, so yeah. This isn't very long, but oh well. I hope you enjoyed it! ~~ Baby Bunneh ~~ p.s. no update until I get 3+ comments, just saying.

Question: Larry, Lilo, or Lirry?? (Doesn't concern this book, but something I'm doing for school. Lol.)

Word count: 1,574

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