•Chapter Twenty Three•

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•Chapter Twenty Three•
Hunter's POV
We say bye to Kaitlin and pay for our stuff. We get in the car to go home. The song 'Sunday Candy' by Chance the Rapper. Brooke started singing and would look at me when she sang. She only sang the girl part tho. After the first time it was the girls part I started singing the guy part. We sang the whole song. After 'Sunday Candy' came on, 'Ride' by Somo came on. Brooke and I both started laughing. "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Yeah." Brooke starts singing while laughing. "Take off those heals." Brooke sings while lifting up her leg and pointing to her feet. I just keep laughing and keep driving. "I'M GON' RIDE I'M GON' RIDE." Brooke yells and sticks her head out the window. 'Ride' goes off. "What did I do to deserve you?" I ask. "You  were yourself. You decided to broadcast one day and from then on I was all yours. Like no one else made me feel the way you did and the way you do. I only had one boyfriend when started supporting you because no one else could make me feel safe like you. We all know how my last relationship ended tho." She says and laughs a little towards the end. "Aw. I love you Brooke." I say and grab her hand. "I love you too." She says. 'One Dance' comes on. "Oh my. You're in for a treat. This is like one of my favorite songs. I have a little dance to this too so." She says while laughing. "Oh lord." I say and laugh. "Here we go." She says and laughs. She does this little dance and it's so cute. We get to my house once the songs over. "That was fun." Brooke says. "Yes yes it was." I say. We get out of the car and bring all of the food in. We go inside. "Mom." I yell. No one answers. "Momma Rowland." Brooke yells. No one answers. I pull out my phone and call her. My mom picks up. "Hello." She says. "Where are you?" I say. "The boys and I are still out. Why?" She says. "Didn't you text me and tell me to come home." I say. "No." She says. "Well I got text from you saying to come home." I say. "Ashton had my phone earlier. It must have been him." She says and laughs a little. "Oh that little bean." I say and laugh. She laughs. "Is Brooke over?" She asks. "Yes of course." I say. "Tell her I said Hii." She says. "My mom says Hii." I tell Brooke. "Hii Momma Rowland." Brooke says. "Alright well go have fun. I love you." My mom says. "I love you too. See you later." I say and hang up. "You ready for our Netflix and cuddle day?" I ask. "Yessss." She says and gets on my back. "Go horsey go." She says in a little kid voice and smacks my butt. "Alright alright I'm going." I say and laugh. I bring her over to the couch and put her down. I start walking towards the kitchen. "Where are you going?" Brooke says in a little kid voice. "We forgot to grab the snacks." I say. "Oh okay. Get the snacks." She says. I come back and see Brooke laying on her stomach and on Instagram. I sneak up behind her, put the snacks down, and smack her butt. She jumps. "You scared me." She says. "Sorry." I say. "Why'd you smack my butt?" She says. "Well you smacked mine and also I've wanted to do that. It was just sticking out and I couldn't resist anymore." I say and laugh. "Oh okay." She says and laughs. I go on Netflix and start looking for something to watch. "So what do you want to w-." I say but get cut off. "THE VAMPIRE DIARIES." Brooke yells and throws her phone in the air. "Alright calm down." I say and laugh. "Don't tell me to calm down when it comes to The Vampire Diaries. It's my favorite show of all time." She says. "Okay okay." I say. "Oh my god your taking so long give me the remote." She says. "Here." I say and laugh. She takes the remote and starts searching it. I get out my phone and go on snapchat. "Brooke what are we watching?" I say while recording. "I've told you this a bunch of times. We are watching THE VAMPIRE DIARIES." She yells the last part. "You're adorable." I say. "And you're hot as fuck" She says while turning to look at me. "Oh my god you got that on snapchat." She says. "Yes yes I did." I say while laughing and posting it. "Oh well." She says. "Alright. There's something you need to know." She says. "Yeah?" I say. "Okay so when you watch the Vampire Diaries with me you are not allowed to pick up your phone unless it's your mom. Also we do not get up during an episode. So if you have to used the bathroom you and Henry need to go now before the first episode starts because the episodes are 42 minutes long. And we are watching all the seasons." She says with the straightest face ever. "Okay. How did you say all of the with a straight face?" I say while laughing. "I take TVD very seriously." She says. "Oh okay. Henry and I will be right back. We're gonna go to the bathroom." I say while getting up and laughing. "Alright. I'll be here." She says.
I come back. "You ready?" Brooke says. "Yes." I say. "Okay and also no talking if you have a question pause it and ask me. I know anything and everything anyone could possibly know about this show." She says. "Okay I will." I say. She picks up the remote and hits play.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a couple days. I'm gonna start updating more. Love youu❤️

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