Chapter 2

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Who's ready for an introduction of two new Fame characters? :D Or at least hear about them. They might appear next chapter. cx

Chapter 2

       Today was Halloween and we were actually in line for the HallowPalooza. And thankfully, Duke was allowed to come as well because he was an essential for my costume. 

       When we were looking for our group costume, there was a huge argument between the boys about who was going to be whom. After an hour at the costume store, they finally came up with a decision that they all agreed on.

       Unfortunately, Ricky was using it as an opportunity to say Malachi didn't have a brain and Otis didn't have a heart.

       That wasn't the only thing he was being a pest about.

       "I still think Aviva should have been a sexy maid," Ricky said while we were waiting in the line.

       "Does anyone have a baseball bat I could use?" Malachi asked. "I need to smash someone's brains in."

       "No need to be violent," Ricky said.

       "No need to be a pig," Malachi shot back.

       "Wow, someone has a temper," Ricky said with a smirk.

       "Oh, look, I see someone dressed as a baseball player," Malachi said. "I wonder if they'll let me use their baseball bat for some brain-smashing."

       "Smashing sounds so British," Ricky said. "Pip-pip, cheerio."

       "Aviva, why did we let him into the band?" Malachi asked.

       "Because he's an awesome drummer," I said. "Other than that, I have no idea. Don't listen to him. Everyone loves your accent, me especially."

       "Yeah, I still think you should have dressed up as a maid," Ricky said.

       "That's it, I'm getting that baseball bat," Malachi said, about to approach the person dressed as a baseball player, but Otis pulled him back.

       "Whoa there," Otis said. "Relax, Malachi. Ricky's just trying to get a reaction out of you."

       Ricky started laughing then. "It's true. You get so angry, though I don't know why."

       Malachi just glared at him before adjusting the straw hat he was wearing. "Don't get me wrong, I wanted to be the Scarecrow, but this hat is really itchy," he said.

       "So is the collar of my dress," I said, pulling the itchy part away from my neck.

       "Here, I'll fix it," Malachi said, gently pinching the collar with his fingers and folding it downwards. He carefully smoothed it against my neck, his fingers brushing against my skin. "There. Better?"

       "Actually, yeah, thanks," I said.

       Malachi just smiled at me before we got to the front of the line. There was a bouncer with a clipboard standing by the door and we each told him our name. After checking each off, he lifted a the red velvet rope and allowed the five of us into the most exclusive Halloween party ever.

       I couldn't believe the sight when we walked in. Fog machines were set all over the place, making sure every inch of the floor had a spooky-like fog covering it. On the wall across from where the stage was set up was a large buffet table, one of them being filled with candy and having paper bags set by them for us to fill with.

       There were so many creative costumes here, but thankfully, we were the only ones dressed up as The Wizard of Oz because I was seeing some double costumes.

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