Chapter 3

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I attached the song above for two reasons. 1. It's by the band Against the Current which Chrissy Costanza (Aviva) is the lead singer of, so if you listen to it, you can hear what her voice is like. 2. I imagine this as the type of music Major Vocal is. Lol, and this is one of my favorite songs from ATC. cx

Chapter 3

       "Aviva, you've got to try this," Malachi said as he walked over to me, holding one of the foods from the buffet table.

       "What is it?" I asked.

       "I believe they call it a cake pop," he said before handing it over to me. It was a small, round ball on a stick with orange chocolate on the top and decorated to look like a pumpkin. I took a bite out of it, tasting the chocolate cake batter mixed with icing underneath. 

       "Wow, that's amazing," I said.

       "I know, right?" he said. "I've already had a dozen of them. Maybe more."

       "I can see why," I said as Duke tried biting into the cake pop. I quickly ate it and threw the stick in a nearby garbage can before reaching into the basket I had and pulled out a treat for Duke. I fed it to him and he then barked happily.

       "Where's the others?" Malachi asked.

       "I'm not sure," I said. "Otis is probably making sure everything is all set for our performance, Ricky is probably either bugging everyone or flirting it up with people, and I'm guessing Junior is by the food table."

       Malachi looked over at the food table. "Well, you're right about that," he said. "I don't think Junior has left the food table." That made sense. While Junior could be a social at times, he mainly spent the time alone.

      "Well, I don't blame him," I said. "If the rest of the food is like the cake pops, then I wouldn't want to leave the table once I got there."

       "Yeah, it was even hard for me to walk away from it," Malachi said. "Hey, I was thinking. If a slow song comes on later on, would you want to, I don't know....Hand Duke over to me so I could dance with him?"

       I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder. "You're such a goof."

       Malachi gave me a smile. "I know. You'll save me a dance though, right?"

       "But of course," I said, smiling back.

       "Attention, everyone," someone said into a microphone. Malachi and I faced the stage, seeing none other than the famous singer and actor, Cannon Venturi standing on the stage. He was dressed up as a zombie.

       When the room quieted down, he began talking. "I want to thank all of you for coming here. This is one of the best parties ever, and the best Halloween party, so you're all lucky to be invited. Let's see who have here. We have Munro Wilde, his girlfriend, and their daughter. Aww, and they're dressed up as Cinderella, Prince Charming, and the Fairy Godmother. So cute. We also have my boyfriend, Hunter Bolton."

       "I'm not your boyfriend!" I heard Hunter call. "I'm married! You're married!"

       "And you broke my heart," Cannon said, which made some people chuckle. I hadn't met either of them before, but I had heard that their bromance was one of the strongest ones out they. I think that Cannon even used to have feelings for Hunter, but he was able to move on and still be best friends.

       "Get over it," Hunter said.

       "I never will," Cannon said. "Just kidding. I got my Annalise because she actually loves me. Anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted, we got Hunter and his wife violet and their son dressed up as the Joker, Harley Quinn, and Batman. Just saying, my family's costume is better."

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