Chapter 7

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Just a reminder that Cannon is in this book. What happens in every book that he's in? *wink wink*

Chapter 7

       Whoever was behind that awful prank was not happy that Cannon, Genesis, and I were able to find the people they took and locked in a closet. We all went back to the party where the man in the mask was still on the TV screen.

       "We do not appreciate those who broke the rules," he said.

       "Oh, boo hoo," Cannon said. "You locked a boy who gets panic attacks in a closet. What was the whole point of the prank anyway?"

       "Why, it's Halloween of course," he said. "The best time for pranks and mischievous. So thank you, so much for ruining it. I hope you all enjoy the party. With the power out."

       Just like that, the power went out once again, including the TV. This guy was very annoying.

       Some people turned on the lights on their cell phones, giving a slight illumination. I sighed, however. This was not how I expected HallowPalooza to be. On the bright side, everyone who was invited was always invited again next year, so Major Vocal was coming next year.

      I hope it would be better.

       "Well, this is interesting," Malachi said as he held Duke. "I did not expect tonight to end up like this."

       "Tell me about it," I said.

       "Don't worry, I'm guessing the lights will turn on pretty soon," Otis said.

       "What makes you think that?" Malachi asked.

       "You'll see," Otis said.

       He was right. In fact, not even a minute later, the power went back on. I looked at the TV, this time seeing Ricky standing with the man in the mask. "Hey, everyone," Ricky said. "Look, I found the culprit. I wonder who it is."

       When Ricky took off the mask, everyone was in complete shock. It was the lead singer of the band Worn Diversion, Chad Lowery. 

       Kevin walked over to the TV. "How did you even get in here?" he asked. "Worn Diversion wasn't invited."

       "Exactly why we did this," Chad said. "We deserve to be here."

       "Not after what you did," Kevin said. "You put my son in danger. Sorry, but you blew your chances of your band ever coming here. Take your band mates and leave."

        Chad huffed and left the room he was in. Ricky smiled at everyone. "And I hereby declare Major Vocal the best band ever," he said before turning off the TV monitor.

       Ricky came back into the room and walked over to us. "Nice going," Junior said. "How did you find him?"

       "I'm just that awesome," Ricky said. "And I followed the sound of his band mates laughing. I'm glad they're getting kicked out."

       "Yeah, so am I," I said. 

       Major Vocal was not fond of Worn Diversion at all. We were sworn enemies, especially because they always tried their best to upstage us. One time, we were both performing at a charity concert and they ended up taking our set time.

       Not to mention Chad was a complete bonehead. He was always flirting with me and it got real annoying. I would never like someone like him.

       It wasn't long before the party was finally back to normal, as if the prank didn't even happen. Us five were a bit tired, so we sat down in a sitting area to relax, especially because those four needed a bit of a breather after being locked in a closet.

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