Chapter 1 - Senpai!

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Pedro walked into school, his ebony boots click-clacking against the floor. He hugged his schoolbooks closer to his chest, and with a deep breath he opened the door to his home room. He didn't know what to expect.

He saw a tall gazelle, perhaps in her late 30's, with a look of disgust on her face. He saw a young elephant cowering in fear in the corner, and girls circling the class stud, Danny. Pedro blushed - Danny was his senpai. However, Danny would never notice Pedro; Danny was only the most popular, most athletic and most smart boy that everyone admired. The young foal sighed, and with a small thud he sank down into his seat. He tried not to let it get to him, however he felt small tears forming in his orbs.

The teacher began registration; eventually, it reached Pedro's name. "Pedro Pony?" the teacher said in a cool voice. Pedro stood up, pushing his creaky chair back, and began, "Pres-" he glanced down suddenly, and saw that Danny was staring at his trembling body. He repeated, "P-present!" and sat down, feeling flustered. The horse sat down, feeling butterflies in his tummy, due to the crushed butterfly breakfast he had eaten that morning. Senpai Danny had noticed him!

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