Chapter 2 - The Lodge!

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Pedro suddenly started feeling a bit ill. He did has dyslexia, asmtha and many other allergies as well. He decided to visit the health centre, or the 'lodge' as he liked to call it. He excused himself from class, and set out to find it. His Canary-yellow blouse stuck to his skin in the crisp, autumn air and small goosebumps formed on Pedro's small arm. The high school sure was massive - Pedro didn't know where he was going! That was, until, he saw a familiar violet colour.

"S-Senpai Danny-chan?" Pedro started timidly, twirling his golden locks around his crooked finger. The handsome dog turned. "Yes, Pony?". They were not on a first-name basis yet, but Pedro was delighted that his Senpai knew his name! "I was wondering if... if you could escort me to the lodge, Senpai?"

Danny gave Pedro one of his famous grins, the ones which all the girls flock to see. Out of the corner of his eye, Pedro could see Hobo Joe, dressed in camouflage, taking sneaky pictures of Danny. After all, Hobo Joe was the leader of the Danny Dog fan club at school, and he needed to make the annual Danny photo book soon!

"I'm sorry, Pony... But I have to go to soccer practice." Danny said, apologetically. Pedro blushed, embarrassed. He had forgotten how busy Danny was with sport nowadays. "We don't even have a lodge!" he added, with a slight laugh. Pedro let out a hearty giggle back, flirting with his Senpai, he hoped. Pedro waved goodbye to the athletic dog and walked back inside. He didn't find the lodge, however, Pedro was feeling better already.

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