Chapter Twenty Four

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Dexxy’s POV-

I lay on the sofa with Ricky his arms pulling my against him as they wrap around me. I sigh loudly as I look into his face.

“What?!” He snaps. I shake my head.

“I’m just worried you’re overthinking all Val said….. plus you tried to hit on her.” I sobbed. Ricky looked upon me stern faced.

“What are you thinking?” I inquired he rolled his eyes.

“I think I love you…. More than words can say. But I’m tired of defending a reputation it seems you ruined by sleeping around in your past.” He explained. I sat up and crossed my arms.

“My past shouldn’t fucking concern us as long as we love each other…… I’m sure you were no fucking virgin Mr Rockstar.” I rant. Ricky shakes his head and climbs to his feet.

“I’m pretty much done right now, I need a girl who is less notorious…… I mean D, you’vebeen down on everything but the Titanic.” He said.

I jumped up from the sofa and wrapped my arms around him.

“I love you, this shouldn’t be the end of us.” I cried staring into his face. Ricky pursed his lips.

“So if it shouldn’t why is it?” He asked coldly pushing my away violently.

We began to shout at each other, I picked up a vase and flung it at him. Our words towards each other mean and said to hurt and then it happened.

“You can’t handle the truth Dexxy Diablo….. you’re a fucking slut who believes everyone loves her when the truth is guys claim to be in love with you for a quick few fucks and trust me it’s not that good.” He shouted.

I slapped him, hard enough for the sound to echo through the house. Ricky held his hand to his face and glared at me.

“And this is why we’re finished, we’re too angry and proud to bother trying.” He whispered to me as we were face to face.

He turned and left the room. I fell to the floor crying, my chest hurt and my body shook. This couldn’t be happening again, Ricky had promised to heal the pain after Ashley’s death. I loved him, he’d given me reason to live again after six months of sadness. I felt like I was going to throw up or pass out. Did we really just break up?

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