The Mandela Effect (random)

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Warning: Not very scary/creepy sorry

Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela's death is what started the phenomenon of The Mandela Effect. When did Nelson Mandela die? Many people believed Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980's, but this assumption is incorrect as he got out of prison, became president of South Africa, and died in 2013. Many were baffled because they distinctively remember his funeral in the 1980's, rioting in cities, and news anchors covering the story.

The Chick-Fil-A business and logo has been thought of by millions as "Chic-Fil-A", without the "k" in "Chick", but despite many of us thinking it was "Chic-Fil-A", and people having joked about the "Chic" in the name that would normally be pronounced sheek, that apparently has never been the case. This one perplexed us so much, we even contacted Chick-Fil-A's corporate office to ask them when they added the "k" into their logo, but they informed us that neither the logo, nor their business, has ever been called "Chic-Fil-A". Their business and logo has always had a "k" and been known as "Chick-Fil-A"

Berenstain Bears
This is one of the most famous Mandela Effect examples. Many people remember "The Berenstein Bears", but the book is, and supposedly always has been, called "The Berenstain Bears". Every version of the book you read now will show the title of the book as being "The BerenstAin Bears", but millions of people are adamant it used to be "The Berestein Bears" with an "E". People who know and loved those books know in their hearts this isn't right and it has upset more people than probably any other example presented here.

Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs
This is one of the freakiest Mandela Effect examples! For most of us, we remember the evil queen in Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs going up to her mirror and saying "Mirror, mirror on the wall", but if you re-watch any version of the movie, on any format, you will discover that the phrase many of us have said throughout our lives has never been "Mirror, mirror on the wall". Now the phrase in the movie is "Magic mirror on the wall", and it supposedly always has been.

Star Wars: Episode V - Empire Strikes Back
What did Darth Vader say to Luke Skywalker during their last encounter in Empire Strikes Back? Many remember the line from Vader as "Luke, I am your father", but the line has always been "No, I am your father". Many are baffled by this, even so much so that they have uploaded multiple versions of the footage onto Youtube, everything from the Blu-ray release all the way to the 1990 unedited VHS footage, but all say "No, I am your father". One Youtuber even commented on a video relating to the Star Wars Mandela Effect saying: "One of my old co workers was such a star wars fan that he named his son Luke, specifically so he could say, Luke I am your father, when disciplining his child.

Looney Tunes
Many people assert that "Looney Tunes" was "Looney Toons" in our former timeline. The latter spelling would technically make more sense as they are indeed carTOONS, however, you won't find this spelling anywhere in history other than the occasional picture online that has been photoshopped by someone who remembers the way it is meant to be spelled.

There are those who claim that this familiar household product used to have an extra "E" in the name, being. They say it was "Febreeze" instead of "febreze", which seems that it would make more sense as it is meant to essentially create a breeze of fresh air, but again, nowhere in the history of this product will you find it spelled with the extra "E". Another great example of the Mandela Effect.

Fruit Loops
This beloved circular, fruity goodness, according to some people, is distinctly remembered to have been spelled "Froot Loops". When you next go into a grocery store, check out the box and see if you think it looks correct, but we, as many other do, remember it to be spelled differently.

Interview With The Vampire
Most people when asked what the title of this movie - adapted from Anne Rice's novel - is called will tend to reply, "Interview With A Vampire", but now you will find that it is, and apparently always has been, "Interview With The Vampire". One person went off about this one saying that it doesn't make sense that it would be "THE" as there are many vampires in the movie.

Deck the Halls
Apparently we've been singing the song wrong all this time. If you look at a sheet of music for the song, it actually reads, "Deck the hall", no 's' at the end. Interesting, considering there was even a movie made called "Deck The Halls" and we all sing it with the 's'.

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Did you ever watch the children's show "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood" when you were a child? If you did, you probably remember the song that Mister Rogers sings in the beginning. Does he sing, "It's a beautiful day in THE neighborhood" as most people remember or does the line go, "It's a beautiful day in THIS neighborhood" as you will hear if you listen to a clip of the show now.

What do you THINK you remember?

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