chapter 3: 5 years later

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Mike ------->

Lacey's POV

I've been staring at Billie for 10 minutes. He blinks finally, it takes a second to come back to reality from looking into his perfect green eyes. I jump up and sit on his lap and put my lips to his ear. "I win"

He starts grinning like an idiot. He also starts blushing. I kiss his cheek and it makes him redder. He starts smirking at me. I squint my eyes at him.

"You wouldn't dare!?" He rolls over so he is on top of me. I can feel his breath on my neck.

"You know you want to." He says as he starts to lean in to kiss me when the door opens. Mike.

"Billie your moms looking for you."

Billie's P.O.V

Fuck goddmanit Mike. "What did I do?" I look at Mike. Shit, I said that outloud "Why are you ontop of my sister?" I look at his sister. "I won a staring contest and hes pissed about it therefor holding me down to start a remach." Lacey says without effort. I look at her but don't say anything becasue if I do, I might tell her the truth.

I kiss Lacey on the cheek then Mike "I love you too babe" I laugh "bye Hun, bye Lacey." I wanna call her babe but can't not without Mike ripping my head off. As I leave Lacey bites her lip and smiles. I leave before I pin her to that couch and fuck her till she can't walk. Why can't it be that simple?

my best friends sisterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя