Chapter 1 - "The family"

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 -Miss, speak clearly I can't understand you. -The police man said in the other side of the phone.

-I said someone... Is chasing me. -I say breathless.

-What's your location?-he said.

-Sierra Avenue and Forest Boulevard- I answered.

-Ok I will send a unit to go over there.-the police man said.


I can't feel my feet, I've been running for a long time. I need to breathe.

I stopped and hide behind a car. I know he is close, I can heard his footsteps at the distance.

-You can run but you can't hide from me. I will find you. I always do. -The stranger said.

After a few seconds the footsteps stopped.

I'm breathing heavy, my heart rate was high.

It was a cold night, and the wind was freezing. Dark clouds started to gather together impeding the view of the few stars that were shining weakly. I think is going to start raining soon.

I look under the car to see if I see the stranger. He wasn't there anymore.

I waited a few more minutes I wanted to make sure he left.

I don't see or heard the police I think they weren't coming, perhaps they got stuck in traffic or got the directions wrong.

My phone started to vibrate on my pocket making me jump.

I decided to look once again under the car, I don't see him he must have left by now.

I got up and started to walk carefully to the gas station that was at the end of the street.

My phone vibrate again and I took it out to see what it was. I unlocked it and I saw I had a message.

I almost dropped my phone when I saw the message.

I was petrified, I couldn't move. I retained the air on my lungs without noticing it.

"I see you" that's what the message said and a picture of me recently taken was attached.

-I told you can run but you can't hide, I always find you.-a voice behind me said.

I wanted to scream for help but my voice was gone.

The last thing I saw was his dark green eyes.


I have been dreaming the same thing over and over again for the past year since I moved to England. I don't know this guy. I have never seen him before. But I don't what are his intentions I just know he follows me.

I used to live in New Jersey, where my life was practically perfect. I lived in a regular size house, I was going to college, had friends everywhere, I was really sociable, my family was really close, I had my two best friends, and a wonderful boyfriend. Everything was perfectly fine until that day.

I prefer to not recall what happened that day. All I'm going to say is that that day was the worst of my life. My family broke up. I was send to England with my uncle from my mom's side of the family. They send me to live with him and his family without asking me if I wanted to live with strange people, people that I didn't knew of their existence.

Now I've been living here for a whole year. A miserable year. My life was ruined. I'm living in a big house, mansion like. Have no friends, college sucks, and no boyfriend. And the worst thing is that this family sucks!

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