Chapter 4 Grounded and kidnaped?

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Once I step into the house my uncle called me to his office.


-why what?- I said.

-why did you do it?

-just because.

-just because?

-'cuz I wanted.

-Emma, please.

-It was revenge okay!-I snapped.

-revenge? Revenge for what?

-for what she did to me this week.


-exactly! If I say it you won't believe me.

-how can you be so sure?

-you left it clear to me last week, remember?

-Emma please try to understand. There are no excuses for what you did today and for that you must be punish.

-punish? Are you serious? You are going to punish me?

-yes. This is unacceptable. You are living in my house and you must respect everyone who lives in the same roof as you.

-you are kidding right?

-no I'm not.

-but uncle...

-but nothing Emma you are not allow to go out of this house or have any access to any electronic device, so please give me your cell phone.

-what? No way. This is too much. Who told you to do this? Ashley perhaps?

-no one did. So please give me your cellphone and go to you room. I have already taken out your computer. And disconnected the TV.

-This is just ridicules! - I said turning off my cellphone and locking it just in case and gave it to him.

-Emma you have to understand that.....

-I have to understand nothing.- I said and I went to my room without letting him talk.

On my way I saw Ashley and Robert laughing at me. Oh those freaks!

-How long did he said you would be grounded?-Lucy said at the other side of the phone.

-I'm not sure, probably just for the weekend.- I said.

-but it was worth it right?

-hell yeah! And we can watch it over and over again in YouTube thanks to Max. I knew I was going to be grounded but I didn't expect I was going to be grounded for everything. No computer, no going out, no cellphone. Oh, and no TV. I can deal with staying in my room or in the house without going out, but without technology... I can't. That's my only way out of my life.

-I understand. Seems that even though you are their cousin they still play their jokes on you.

-I know right! I mean, family doesn't supposed to be like this. We supposed to be supporting and taking care of each other. That is the way I was with my family and with my friends back there in New Jersey. Even though I call them every three days I have to lie to them I can't tell them the hell I'm living here.

-but you have me now!

-yeah that's true!

-hey got to go. My mom is calling me right now.

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