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Silvius leant over the railing of the balcony, looking over Gotham, ignoring the banging on his door. 

"Mr Adalwin, this is highly unprofessional!" Amanda Waller called from behind the door. Silvius sighed; Amanda had been trying to get him on her Taskforce X team for the last couple months.

"Amanda! What a surprise!" He exclaimed, using his magic to open the door. "Care for a drink?" Silvius walked over to his bar, beginning to make himself a drink.

"No thank you, Mr Adalwin." Amanda stood in the middle of the room; looking over to the man she wanted on her team.

"Sit, Amanda, sit." He pointed to the leather setae. Picking up his drink, he sat across from her. "So, what can I do for you?" Amanda sighed, knowing that he already knew.

 "So, what can I do for you?" Amanda sighed, knowing that he already knew

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"I would like you to join my team." Silvius shook his finger at her.

"What's my reward? Do you have a pretty toy for me, Amanda?" She put her hand into her purse, pulling out a ring.

"This is an untreated ruby ring with two half-moon diamonds, worth $375,802." He held out his hand, Amanda dropping the ring into his palm.

" He held out his hand, Amanda dropping the ring into his palm

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"I love a challenge." He smiled at the woman, before dismissing her with his hand. "You can go now." Silvius loved riling up people, enjoying her quiet growl of frustration. Waving his hand, the door slammed behind Amanda. He stood up, putting the ring in his treasure chest.

"Well, this should be fun."


Amanda sat smugly across from the two men she was dining with

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Amanda sat smugly across from the two men she was dining with.

"Who's that?" One of the men pointed to the last file. Amanda lifted up a picture.

"This is Silvius Adalwin. He's not a criminal like the others but he is a powerful metahuman." One of the men grabbed the photograph.

"How are you controlling him?" Amanda smirked.

"He does small favours for pretty toys." Amanda was pretty confident that she had the men convinced. Finally, her plan was coming together.


It was 2 months after Amanda Waller had given him the jewel when Silvius first felt the disturbance. He instantly sent out a flash of magic, identifying the source. It was in the subway station, he immediately recognised the source as Enchantress, the other magic user on Taskforce X. Silvius was about to relax until he realised that there were two sources, and Enchantress had gone rouge. He retracted his magic, sending out a protection spell. He didn't want Enchantress tracking him down. A day later, he got a call from Amanda Waller.

"Taskforce X is a go." Silvester sighed.

"But it's happy hour." He whined.

"Just get to the Midpoint Safe area."

"Only if you say please," He smiled at her frustrated sigh.

"Please." She growled out.

"Okay, I'll be there in like, an hour."

"Mr Adalwin! Silvius!" He hung up on her pleas. If he was going to meet with the other criminals, he was going to do it in style.

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