"don't make me get out the sage"

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October Third
Honestly, my parents are so fucked up. What kind of father would use his son as a fucking lab rat? Especially one who wasn't even present until it was discovered that I inherited the gift. Should it even be considered a gift? More like a fucking death wish. (Aye reference) And Donna. That cunt can't even look at me when I'm around. She just huffs and locks herself in the bathroom. I'm her fucking son. She birthed and raised me up until I was six, after the voices started to get louder. The only reason her and Donald let me into their hell hole of a home is for tests. They don't care about me, or Mikey. So why even bother? Everything was fine until Donald and Donna wanted me to channel beings beyond this world for the 'family business'. A business that is flawed and cruel. How could I-

A book slapped against the wall next to me, landing into the unused laundry basket and interrupting my journal time. Damnit.

"Don't make me get out the sage." I muttered as I crammed my journal under my mattress. Two more books slammed against my burgundy painted wall. I dramatically groaned, and stomped down the narrow hallway.

Living with ghosts [;o] is a pain in the ass.

"Grandma?" I faintly whispered as I stepped into the kitchen. The sight before me was rather, interesting. There she was, my grandma Helena, scrubbing what I think was blood off the hardwood floor. She let out grunt of disgust as she fetched the soap from the counter.

"A little mess? That fucker left a stain on my floor. My newly waxed floor." Grandma muttered to herself. I cleared my throat, causing her to jump at least two feet.

"I-is that b-blood?" I questioned. She let out a sigh, and tossed her gloves onto the counter.

"Yeah, let's just say your brother's an idiot." A scowl was prominent on her wrinkly face. Mikey must've really fucked up.

"O-okay. Well I was just wondering where the sage went? There's an issue upstairs." I mumbled. Grandma pointed to the pantry I was leaning on, and returned to her work. [im a slut for italics fuck yes]

Before I could even touch the metal handle, Mikey slid into the kitchen. His lens were shattered. Short breaths escaped his pink lips as he pointed towards the stairs.

"There's a major fucking issue upstairs, and it has your name written all over it." Mikey glared at me, completely ignoring grandmas presence.

"Yeah I already know. Some of my books were thrown across the room. That's why I'm here, getting the sage." I said. Mikey scoffed and wrapped his arms around his slender frame.

"No dick munch, sage won't fix it this time. I don't even think it's a spirit." Mikey spat back. I looked to grandma, her eyebrows were furrowed.

"It's probably nothing. You just overreact to literally everything." [me]
I trudged up the steep steps, Mikey followed behind me. We both walked towards the end of the hall. Each time one of us took a step the floorboards creaked.

"It smells like fucking cheese. Don't you throw out your cum rags?" I smirked as I placed my hand on the doorknob. Mikey stayed a few feet away. Pussy.

But I quickly figured out why he stayed behind. Mikey was right. This wasn't a normal occurrence.

"Holy fuck." His bed was flipped upside down, along with the abandoned desk and drawer. Papers and books were scattered all over the floor. His bass was snapped in half. His gray wallpaper was torn. The light and lava lamp were flickering enough to cause seizures. [sorry if that was offensive to anybody, I didn't intend it to be]
Something dripped onto my pixie nose. I wiped it off with my thumb. Black. A black substance stuck to my fingers. I looked up at the ceiling.

"4:00 AM." I whispered to myself. In the same substance on my fingers, 4:00 AM was scribbled on every tile. There was barely any ceiling. Mostly 4:00 AM.

I looked at Mikey. Grandma stood behind him, holding his shoulders. Her eyes were twinkling. Twinkling with something that wasn't happiness. Something that I had never seen on her before. Then I realized it. She was scared. But I couldn't blame her, because I was too.

I DID SOMETHING!!!! So I know I'm not the best writer and stuff, but I've been working up the courage to post this. I'm not very confident so that doesn't help. But this isn't American Idol and you do not need my sob story! Anyways the chapters will get longer. And better. But tell me what you guys think in the comments! I'll try to respond if I can. Also if you wanna make fan art or something along the story tag me in it so I can see! I'll probably even post it in here at some point. Of course I would credit you. I'm not saying you have to it was really just if you want to make fan art :)

Anyways thank you so much for reading! I love you all so much!


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