"normal teenagers"

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so I know you're probably thinking: "where the fuck is chapter two and what is this?"
well to answer your question, I deleted chapter two. the old version anyways.. I felt like it wasn't where I wanted to go in the story, and I'm really sorry for deleting it. thank you for voting, and once again I'm so so so so so sorry for wasting your votes. I'll definitely be updating more though, so that's an upside for you guys. I hope you can understand.
**One Year Ago**

September 23rd
"Your coffees getting cold." Mikey nibbled on his muffin, not even noticing the millions of crumbs on his shirt. I shrugged. What else could I say? Any normal teenager would be traumatized after the exorcism that happened just hours ago. Or any exorcism in general. It's not normal to be so collected after something like that.

"Some people prefer it cold." I muttered. Mikey threw his muffin wrapper into my mug, causing the coffee to drip onto the table.

"And you're not one of those people." He responded with a slight smirk on his lips.

"Maybe I could've been if you didn't throw your fucking wrapper into my coffee." I shot my infamous glare at him, but it didn't seem to cause any damage.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Did I say something? Because I thought you were still playing the 'I have a bulletproof heart and no one can hurt me' game. You should've gave me a heads up that you're back to being a sensitive pussy." Mikey glared back, except his glare actually worked unlike mine.

"I'm not a sensitive pussy!" I nearly shouted. My cheeks flushed when a pair of hazel eyes met mine. The hairs on the back of my neck stuck out. [I just thought of Gee with a really hairy neck. like you can't even see the skin from all the hair yikes] I couldn't bring myself to look away. Those eyes were hypnotizing.

"Then what's your deal?" Mikey's voice brought me back from the unfamiliar eyes. Mikey's were softer than the hazel ones. I quickly averted my eyes away. I sat back down, scowling at my thumbs. It felt like people were staring at me. Like millions of people. Shouting probably wasn't the best of ideas.

"Gee?" Mikey barley whispered. I continued to stare at my thumbs, the only sound between us being the low chatter of other customers and a few occasional sounds from the kitchen.

"Why are we like this?" I broke the somewhat comfortable silence.

"Like what?" Mikey raised his left eyebrow, which caused me to let out a groan. Being a freak is pretty obvious.

"Like this! I mean what the fuck are we doing here? Shouldn't we be traumatized after what we saw? Literally just two hours ago some lady was levitating and projectile vomiting everywhere. She told us our parents will rot in hell! Which is true. But that doesn't matter. Any normal teenager would be losing their shit right now, Mikey." He blinked a few times. Almost like he barely understood anything I had said. Which I wouldn't have been surprised if he didn't.

"We're here for coffee. And muffins. Very shitty muffins." Mikey giggled before taking a huge bite out of his so called "very shitty muffin" again.

"What about being normal teenagers?" I questioned. He swallowed before speaking.

"We're not normal teenagers, Gee. And we shouldn't want to be. They have to go to school and worry about prom. We have to go to Salem and worry about demons, and that's fun as fuck." I sunk further into my chair. That wasn't really the answer I was looking for, but it was "good enough" at the moment.

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