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When I left my room to eat dinner, I saw that Jii-sama, Atsushi, and Shinosuke, were at the table. I sat beside Jii-sama and was waiting with the others, and after a few minutes, Ryogo started to serve food.
The smell so good, it was almost mouth-watering. I sat in silence while Atsushi and Shinosuke were having a conversation with Jii-sama about what I think has to do with a job tomorrow, since I only heard bits of it.
I was happy when Ryogo started to serve everyone, though to be honest, he's the best cook we have in this Dorm of four guys. As we ate, Atsushi started to comment about it.

"All right, time to eat," said Atsushi happily.

"You seem very excited about it today," Shinosuke replied to him.

"Well yeah, when was the last time we had takoyaki?" Atsushi asked Shinosuke.

Shinosuke was silent for a bit, most likely trying to remember when was the last time we did have takoyaki; then he replied saying, "Just five days ago."

"Eh? Really? Only five days?" Atsushi asked in a surprised tone.

Either he thought five days was too long, or he didn't think it was just five days.

"May I speak with you, Rokuro?" Jii-sama asked.

I nodded before following him deep in the hallway, and once there, he handed me a small note. I looked at it before I opened it and read it.

We will be training at the training grounds outside, head out and have a few bottles of water in hand with you when the others are asleep.

P.S. I left a present for you in your closet, you will need it for tonight's training.

For some reason, when I looked at the bottom right corner, there was what I assumed was a small stick figure that was winking and doing a peace sign, and even had a speech bubble that said, "P.P.S. Good luck."

It was weird, but for some reason, it also gave me a bit of encouragement and confidence. I looked at Jii-sama with a determined expression and nodded before I folded and put away the note in my pocket.

"Listen, Rokuro," Jii-sama started. "If anything is troubling you, you can tell me."

I was confused as to why he said that just now, but I soon realized he said that so the others didn't get suspicious, so I played along.

"Okay," I replied.

The both of us returned to the dining room, and continued to eat with the others. I noticed that Ryogo had a sad expression; he probably knew what our fake conversation was about. For that, I gave Ryogo an assuring look before I continued to eat, at least it gave him a bit of ease today just by seeing him calm down.
When we finished, I went to wash my dishes, and put them away after drying them, then headed straight to my room. I looked into the closet to see what this present was, and when I took out this box and opened it, I was shocked to see that the present was a gi, I'll put it on when everyone is asleep, since it's only 7:0o in the evening, it might take two hours considering their sleep curfew, which is basically their way of saying grownup's bedtime.

'What a joke," I thought to myself.

As I sat in my room, waiting for Ryogo, Atsushi, and Shinosuke to hit the sack, I started to pass the time by reading manga and playing video games. About every thirty minutes or so, I would take a "bathroom break" to check on the others before going into the bathroom for a bit. Twice, I really did have to go, but the other two times, I had showered and brushed my teeth. When everyone else finally went to sleep, I exited my room wearing the gi; I'd forgotten how light the garments were.
I decided to continue that thought some other time as I headed outside for my training. There, I saw Jii-sama in his garments like mine but had a black belt instead of a white one like mine, but had smaller white one tied around the upper part of his head.

"Are you ready, Rokuro?" He asked me.

I nodded as a response.

"Soon, Rokuro, your strength, speed, stamina, knowledge of Exorcists, and Enchanted Powers will be stronger," Jii-sama explained. "You are a year behind on your proper training, but I will do all I can to help you catch up."

"Thanks," I replied.

"Now, would you like to wield one sword? Or would you like to dual wield?" He asked me. "Choose wisely."

I started to think about it, I did wield only one blade when I was younger, but maybe I can dual wield by using the second blade as a follow up if it becomes too much for me, yeah, I think I'll do that.

"I'll dual wield," I started to say, "but by using the other blade for a follow up attack or if I need to use both for a fight."

"Oh, an interesting choice, Rokuro," commented Jii-sama. "But before I can teach and train you to swordfight, tonight, you're only going to do physical training."

I nodded once more as I was ready to listen. He gave me a list of exercises to do, which I did, which was: push-ups, lunges, jogging around Seika Dorm twice, planks, jump rope, jumping jacks, squats, running in place, and using a recently made short fence as a hurdle, which I had to run to and jump over it there and back. Throughout that, Jii-sama was quietly cheering me on as I trained to not wake up the others, which was nice of him.
I had done them in order, I had no problem with most of them, squats were a little difficult to do than I thought. I drank water during a two minute break and realized how sweaty I became from the physical training.
I can only imagine how sore I'm gonna be tomorrow morning, but that'll mean that I did my exercises right. With pain, I'll gain strength, speed, and stamina, which I will endure.

"Well done, Rokuro, you'll be doing more for the next three nights," instructed Jii-sama. "Head to your room when you can."

I weakly headed to my room and lied on my mat, exhausted from the training I've just done, and stared at the ceiling. I'm not sure what my future holds from here on out, but one thing is for certain. I will continue acting as I had before as a façade for no one to suspect, and behind my mask, I shall take on Kegare with a blade in each hand. Starting soon, the Kegare no Asashin will rise and help rid of the Sins and Kegare.
... I really need to stop doing that.

(A/N: I would have put that he would also rid Magano, but he didn't know of its existence until the time Benio dragged him in there, speaking of which, I need your opinion, when I write the chapter based off of chapter one, should I do the whole chapter? Or split it to two? I won't give you to the count of ten like you-know-who 😏)

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