|Chapter Fourteen ~ Detention in the Dungeon|

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The rest of the afternoon seemed to fly by, meaning that the time for our detention was rapidly approaching as was my doom... Fred, George and I were currently sat in the great hall watching in marvel as Ron continuously piled his plate full of food.

"Honestly Ronald? Do you ever stop eating?" Hermione asked shocked. She's known him for four years now... she really should just expect it and move on. The way that she bossed him around you'd think that they were married... In fact, I wish they both had the courage to tell each other how they felt. Not that I could talk about courage, you'd have to be blind not to see it and even then, you'd have to be incredibly stupid. Everyone knew they liked each other all you had to do was look at them... everyone except themselves it seemed and maybe Harry...

"Oh leave the boy alone Hermione." Fred said from my left.

"He's only trying to grow into tall strapping young man, much like ourselves here." George said from my right as I just scoffed at his words. Hermione just turned to look at us before shaking her head and turning her attention to Harry.

"You two are unbelievable." I muttered, much to their amusement. "Ron if you're not careful you're going to get heart disease." I said backing up Hermione who gave me a grateful smile. "What do you reckon the event is then?" I asked Fred, George and Lee.

"Dunno, but Charlie and Bill were excited for it so whatever it is, it should be good." George said. "Tried to get them to drop some hints, but I think mum must have sworn them to secrecy."

"They did say that they would be seeing us soon though so it must be a really big event if other people are allowed to come." Fred said.

"Yeah mum made me go and buy some dress robes, no idea what for though." Lee said as he grabbed another piece of chicken from the bowl.

"Dress robes? Why on earth..." I started to say before Professor Dumbledore interrupted me.

"Good evening. It has probably come to your attention that there is yet no one filling the space of the professor for Defence Against the Dark Arts. I received an owl earlier on today informing me that he will be arriving the same day as our guests. So until his arrival you will be taught by our very own Professor Snape." He announced before sitting back down. The Gryffindor table grumbled at the news, whilst the Slytherins cheered at his last statement. Great Snape the snake for four hours every day! Can it get much worse? Oh wait it already did... detention with him too! Once the food disappeared people started to make their way to their common rooms, I on the other hand grabbed Fred and George by their robes and started tugging them in the direction of the dungeons.

"No! I don't wanna go!" Fred whined as I continued pulling him down to the cold, damp corridors, him clinging to anything he could get his hands on.

"Suck it up Fred, you got in trouble now you have to pay the consequences. And stop grabbing onto things, I don't want another week because we were late" I grumbled to him. Surprisingly George was silent, which was unusual for him. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked as we came closer to that dreadful room that seemed to hold an air of death that could only be called Professor Snape's office.

"Oh nothing, just... can I talk to you later?" George asked, as we halted in front of Snape's door.

"Sure." I said before I raised my closed fist and rapped on the door a measly three times. The door was wrenched open to reveal Professor Snape in all his black-cloaked, greasy haired glory.

"Ah I was beginning to think that you had gotten lost." He said, sneering down at us. "Tonight you will be sorting out vials, some first years have mixed them up and I need them in the correct places for tomorrow morning. You are not to use any magic. Am I clear?" He said as he sat down at his desk.

"Yes Professor." We all chimed before we started sorting out the vials.

- - - - - -

About one hundred vials later we had finally finished sorting out the vials. How had the first years managed to get all these vials mixed up.

"Hmm I see that you are finished. Very well, you may leave." Snape said, not even looking up from the papers he was reading. Fred yelled in glee and ran out of the office, leaving George and myself to walk back up to the common room alone.

"So... what was it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked him calmly, whereas inside my stomach was a bundle of nerves.

"Well you see, we've been friends for a while now... right?" George said as we climbed up the spiral staircase that led up to the grand entrance from the dungeons.

"Yep, six years and counting... Well, hopefully" I said laughing. I had never seen George act like this before and it was slightly unnerving. "George come on, spit it out."

"And well you're a girl... and I need help with girl advice." He said, looking down at his shoes.

"Uhh... yeah sure... I can give you advice. After all, I am a girl. Who is she then?" I asked, cringing at my stutter as I forced myself to get the words out.

"Well you see... it's..." He started to tell me before he was interrupted by a slimy, greasy haired git.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here?" Draco Malfoy asked sarcastically, his grim smile coming onto his evil face that just screamed trouble. "A weasel blood traitor and a mudblood, oh how touching."

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