why u crying??? - part 1

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You woke up and started to get ready for school. You dreaded going to school. It's not really because of the school work or even waking up early. There was just a guy who just seems to enjoys tormenting you. He likes making fun of people in general, but for some reason it's worse with you. The worst part wasn't even that. You used to like this guy when you first transferred to the school. That changed after the first year when he noticed you. After that the teasing started.  As soon as you got done getting dressed, you headed out for school. Of course with your luck you ran into the one person who is making your school life miserable.
"Look whose ugly ass just got to school." Jungkook began his torment.
"When will you just leave me alone?" you shot back at him
"Whenever I feel like it."
You didn't say anything else to him, you just continued to walk.
"What don't you like me?" Jungkook asks as he puts his arm around you.
"Maybe because you're a dick."
"Oh. That hurt, Y/N." He said sarcastically.
You continued to walk away. Refusing to entertain this jerk.
"By the way! I left you a present on your desk!" He yelled
You could only imagine what he left on your desk. Could be snakes or maybe he super glued everything together. Who knows. All you know was that it couldn't be good. You walked into the class room...
"What the fu......JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!!"
It was the worse thing possible. Snakes would've been better. On your desk was a huge ass tarantula. Bugs aren't so bad. Spiders though...nope...no. Can't do it. From behind you, you could here laughing.
"Hahaha. You like it I suppose?"
"Jeon Jungkook. Get that fucking thing off my desk."
"Why? I thought you like spiders."
"Jungkook. Seriously. Get it off my desk."
"Fine." He walks over to your desk and takes the tarantula.
"Oh. Hey. Catch." He says as he throws it towards you.
You dodged it screaming. It lands on the floor and you gave Jungkook the dirtiest look.
"Jeon Jungkook. What the fuck is your problem?!" you snapped.
"What problem?"
"I've had it! I can't fucking stand you! What have I done to you for you to just do this to me every single day?!"
"I don't do it everyday. Just on school days."
You got so frustrated to the point of tears.
"W-why are you crying?" Jungkook panicked
"Just leave me alone asshole." You walked out in frustration.
Never in your life has someone annoyed you so much to the point of tears. You went to the bathroom and washed your face. You didn't even feel like being in school today. So what is there to do? Skip. You grabbed your bag an headed out. As you were leaving the school you ran into someone.

{COMPLETED} Bullied // bts jungkook fanficWhere stories live. Discover now