Spotlight Author: Red_Harvey

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If you had to describe yourself in one word, what words wouldn't you use?

Rude, Tall, Politically-apathetic, Non-Rule-Breakery

What was your nickname at school?

Half-head. I had quite the haircut for many years.

When you were a young padawan, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Either a journalist, or a lawyer. I'd like to think a writer is a mix of both, because we still connect with an audience (journalist), and we have to convince them the world we built is real (lawyer/Fox News journalist).

What's your favourite quote?

As I was telling krazydiamond, I plan on getting a tattoo of my favorite quote by T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock": "And indeed there will be time to wonder, 'do I dare?' and, 'do I dare?'"

Other than writing, what hobbies do you have?

Reading, researching, building Lego creations with my six-year-old, yelling or scoffing at the latest political news.

As your crew cast your lifeless body into the core of the nearest star, list three pieces of music likely to be rattling the bulkheads.

"Vagabond"- Wolfmother

"White Winter Hymnal"- Fleet Foxes

 .....and just because it fits the situation perfectly..."Float"- Bush

Who is your all-time favourite author? How much - if at all - have they influenced your writing style?

Ack, this is hard. Like, really hard. Ask me which hand I'd cut off, that's easier.

If my crew mate really hoisted me into the long dark yawn, I 'spose the book I'd take with me is Olaf Stapedon's "Starmaker", and I'm not being cheeky this time. Is he my ALL time favorite? Eh, I really love that book, but overall favs would be a death match between Ursula K Le Guin and Stephen King.

Of everything you have written, what is your favourite?

"Piece Simul" is my latest work of sci-fi, and I feel, my best writing.

...and what is your fans' favourite?

My horror novella, "The Dark".

We know some of the big authors, Orson Scott Card and Tolkien, for example, incorporate their religious beliefs into their work. Are you religious? If so, do you incorporate those beliefs into your work?

I am spiritual, or better yet, agnostic. I don't believe in the power of one religion, and yet I appreciate certain facets of every religion. For instance, I do believe in reincarnation (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism), as I also believe that there's no hell and that we're measured by what we do (Judaism), I also believe in being a Good Samaritan (Christian), and that while eating we should leave room for the spiritual instead of gorging (Shinto).

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