Return of the Night Class

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*This will be based of the anime. Yes, I've read the manga, I just find it easier to write fanfics about the anime*

Zero's POV:

After making arrangements with Headmaster Cross, I gathered enough information from Yagari-sensei about the return of the Night Class. Now me personally, I don't like vampires, so there's no way I'd ever submit to one. Ever since they left two years ago, I focused more on my duty as a Vampire Hunter and reached Yagari-sensei's level. I don't know why I still use that term, even though he still calls me "kid" and "_stupid_ apprentice", stupid added only when he was messing with me or I did something wrong. Knowing that Yuki, the person I grew up with since I was fourteen, would come back put me on edge. Was she going to try to lure me away from my hunter duties? Was she going to try to kill me? Will I want to kill her? I just couldn't push those thoughts out of my head.

"Zero!" I heard Hoji shout. How do I put this... The guy's insane. He stammers in every sentence, he's always talking to himself, and don't even get me started on how he blames "Valcon" for everything.

I turn to face him. "Hey, Hoji."

"I h-heard that there was g-going to be a N-N-ight Class!"

"That's good, right? You are a vampire?"

"Y-yeah, I-I guess..." He stammered.

I looked up at the sun setting. The Night Class would arrive as soon as the Day Class went back to their dorms. "Hoji, go to your dorm, it's getting dark out."

"Y-Yes Disciplinary C-Committee!" He said, quickly running to his dorm afterwards.

I started walking to the headmaster's office. He was there stroking his cat when I walked in. I sneezed and he laughed. "Sorry Zero." He put the cat down and it ran out of the room.

"They're late?" I asked.

"Seems so." Is all he said in reply.

I leaned against the wall and sighed, closing my eyes. "I expected as much from a vampire. Kaname specifically."

Just as I said that, two people walked in I sensed. "Are we late?" The voice of Kaname rang in my ears.

"Not at all, Kuran, only an hour." I spat.

"Don't be so harsh, Zero. We had some trouble." He said.

As he spoke to me I felt the presence of many other vampires entering the room. Four females... Two males... Another three males in the living quarters... Another female... Familiar... Familiar...

My head spun a bit. I opened my eyes and saw them all facing the headmaster, only one facing me. The one I dreaded seeing again. Yuki.

*_Hope you guys enjoy the chapter. I'll be making chapter 2 soon._*

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