White Room Covered in Red

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Yagari's POV:
"Zero!" I called out to him, but he was already unconscious. I got rid of the last vampire and went over to him.
He was wincing and murmuring something. As I got closer, I heard what he was saying.
"Ichi...ru..." My eyes widened as I heard him speak that name.
I quickly picked up his gun, locked the safety, and picked him up to bring him back to the academy.
~~~~ Time Skip! ~~~~
Zero's POV:
Darkness.... Pain... The thick scent of blood... The rippling pain searing in my throat...
Suddenly, a light appeared. I opened my eyes and it illuminated the whole room. I blinked a few times and the full white room appeared before me. It was giving me mental hospital vibes, and I struggled in a chair I was strapped to.
The same voice from before when the vampire attacked sounded beside me. "Don't struggle." Now, this only freaked me out more and I struggled harder. I had closed my eyes in pain from the wounds I had. Right before I was about to open my eyes, the voice sounded more like a whisper. "Don't look." I slowly opened my eyes to the same white room, but it wasn't white anymore. Splattered across the walls were fresh and dried blood, all over the floors as well. I screamed and awoke to Yagari and the headmaster holding me down to a chair. I was struggling at their touch. The strength of two legendary vampire hunters wasn't even enough to keep me still. Everything was a blur, but I quickly calmed myself.
"Seems like he's calmed down a bit..." Yagari sighed.
Kaien looked back to him. "I wouldn't leave just yet." He huffed.
Yagari nodded and sat down on a chain that sat in the corner of the small gray colored room. His eyes were focused on his gun that he was wiping the deep crimson dye of blood off of.
I looked around the room a bit, getting nauseatingly dizzy when I moved my head too quickly. Looking down at my arm, I saw an IV connected along with different tubes like one to a bloodbag and another connected for a pulse. My eyes fluttered slightly and closed as my whole body relaxed a bit more.
"Why..." I started with a huff, seeming to get their attention very quickly. "Didn't you just shoot me...." I continued, sitting up and wincing. "When I lost control...?"
Yagari eyes widened and his body tensed. He quickly shut his eyes and sighed. "You didn't lose control, kid, ya just woke up from a nightmare of some sort. It wasn't vampiric at all, just stress." He spoke up before Kaien could.
"Stress..." With great relief, my lungs let out a heavy sigh. I laughed a little, bringing Kaien and Yagari's confused and scared faces to stare at me. "Stress!?" I shouted. "Before I passed out, I saw Ichiru! My dead brother!!"
"Calm down, Zero. You'll pass out again." Yagari said as I had started to tremble unconsciously.
"I don't care! Tell me what's going on! I know you know, Kaien!" My voice had started to shake.
Kaien looked down a bit. "You may be dealing with....." He stopped.
"Dealing with what?!" I questioned again.
"Dealing.... With spiritual connections of the dead..."
My eyes widened. "You mean like.... Ghosts?"
"Yes Zero, like ghosts." The voice returned from behind me.
I gasped, turning around with lightning speed, seeing Ichiru standing behind me.
Yagari and Kaien looked at me like I was crazy, so I asked them in slight terror. "You don't see him?!"
They both froze, acting as if I were insane.
"Only you can see me, dear brother." His laugh echoed.

Next chapter out tomorrow! See ya guys! Peace! ~zerothegreywerewolf

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