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Zero's POV:
As Yagari and I rushed into the abyss of darkness, the slight light of the street lamps illuminating small pieces of the place through the very small windows draped with thick curtains to block out the sun.
Listening closely, I kept my gun raised, but I was still in a daze. As a Level E leaped at me and attacked, slashing its claws and snapping at me. Its claws scraped my cheek, leaving a deep wound to bleed. I tried shooting it, but realized almost immediately that the safety was locked. I tried to knock the evil being off of me, but it was no use. I was pinned.
Yagari ran over quickly, shot it, took the gun from me, and unlocked the safety. "Remember to unlock the safety next time, stupid apprentice."
I got up, took the gun, and pulled a piece of cloth from my pocket for the wound. Blood had dripped all the way down my neck and onto the tatto crest. I pressed the cloth against the wound, wincing as I did so. The wound felt like it was on fire and I didn't doubt that it was infected.
My head spun as the blood seeped from my cheek, eyes turning crimson.
My first thought was a memory, something Yagari had told me before.
Bleeding can cause extreme hunger.
I regained composure, but it was obvious the Level Es around us had smelled our blood and come to take it. One jumped at us, but I shot it out of the air with lightning reflexes. Some hadn't even reached Level E yet, they were still former humans. They were much more of them attacking.
Yagari ran up the stairs to take on more of them as I was given the job of taking out the ones below them.
Switly, no longer dazed, I shot many of them down. Once I saw none left and Yagari had sighed with relief, I had let down my guard. I quickly regretted that when another huge wave hit from above, ambushing Yagari.
When I tried to help, a vampire grabbed me from behind, knocking the Bloody Rose onto the ground.
"Not so fast, little hunter. His blood smells too delicious to waste. And yours..." She licked my cheek as I fought her furiously, but she was much stronger than a weakened vampire who hadn't fed for years. "Your blood is that of a vampire's... So why do you hunt us?" Her lips moved to my neck. "Do you hate us?"
"Yes!" I growled. "I hate all vampires including myself!" I growled, still struggling as Yagari fought off the horde. He wasn't doing too well.
Her sharp fangs pierced my neck roughly. She greedily sucked the blood from it, the smell making me lightheaded.
I struggled again, this time weaker, my arms pinned behind my back. Everything was blacking out until I heard a calm voice, standing behind the vampire and I.
"Begone." As this word was spoken, the vampire turned to ashes and I fell to the ground, still looking at Yagari.
I turned around to catch a glimpse of the face of my deceased twin. As everything slowly started to fade, the voice whispered again, this time softer. "Rest." Two cold fingers touched my forehead and quickly disappeared.
Shortly after that, I lost consciousness.

Sorry for this chapter being so crummy, it was kind of hard to lay this out. Anyways, see you next time! Peace! ~zerothegreywerewolf

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