Chapter One || What the hell is he doing here!

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! Attention ! I'm having trouble finding someone to play Demi. If you have some suggestions please comment 🙏. Please read everything including authors notes, they're mostly important.


Authors note - Okay so in case you missed it because you didn't read the last few 'chapters' I've rewritten this book. So here it is. The first chapter of the new and improved 'Ride On'. I hope you guys enjoy this a lot more, I'm hoping I will. I hope to update more regularly, comment asking me to update, it actually helps. If you need anything answered about the book you can PM me and also just comment, I don't mind. I'm not going to say this often because I feel like you should decide but please take the time to vote. I always love seeing votes because it shows me you guys are liking it and enjoying. Comments are also lovely. Thanks everyone, hope you enjoy! 😘


Here I was, backing into the chute ready to take off on my last run for today, I had to make it count. I scanned the arena running through what I had to do to score a clean run. Suddenly squeezing Cloud's sides urging him on, shooting out of the chute like a torrent down it's bed before reaching the first barrel. Turning around the first barrel tightly, Cloud proceeds to power on to the second sure I was sure we were going to knock it over, I gave it a slight push with my toes and it wiggled back into place. Phew. In what felt like the blink of an eye I was around the third barrel and flying home at lightning speed. The speaker crackled to life as the announcer spoke.

"Demi Simpson with a time of 15.6 seconds."

Happy with my run I angled Cloud towards the gate and out of the arena while the announcer went on saying

"What a run for this 17 year old fresh out of high school. Well done Demi!"

I smiled to myself, it wouldn't be a first place fun unless I was lucky but I was proud and ready for tomorrow's run before packing up and hitting the road. I dismounted off Cloud and started walking back to the truck slowly cooling him down in the process. He was named Cloud after the attributes he possessed, much like a cloud.

Piper Walker, my best friend and honorary sister joined the circuit with me as well as sharing my part graduation, part birthday present, Toyota Hilux ute and gooseneck* (*a/n; a really big horse trailer that can fit quite a few horses in it. The reason they use a gooseneck is because they usually have living spaces at the front) to transport our horses. This gave us the opportunity to do what we love while travelling together.

Pipers short brown hair and fun loving personality was what made her stand out from the rest back in the early days of grade 5. I had just started a new school and was the lonely kid with no friends. As cliche as it sounds Piper stepped up and become my friend when the other snobs didn't, introducing herself as "Piper or Pip for short", she'd said. Piper come charging over with her ear to ear smile.

"Congrats Dem. What a run aye."

"Thanks Pip, I couldn't have done it without Cloud, I could hear you cheering from the stands by the way". I replied giving her a wink and a side hug.

Piper had been with me since the first day of grade 5 after my Mum and Dad left me with my dad's parents, my grandparents at the age of 10 so my mother could pursue her modelling career in America. They not only dumped me, but the most important person in my life other than Piper and my grandparents, my older brother James, now 21. We had only met Grandma and Grandpa a week before hand as they live on a station outside of Longreach (a/n; Longrech is in Queensland, Australia for those of you wondering). Mum and Dad owned a farm outside of Brisbane (a/n; also Queensland) so we hadn't met them until the week before we were dumped.

My Grandparents and James were making their way toward Piper and I. My Grandparents were amazing they always took great care of James and I, never once did they how any kind of stress or anger, especially towards James and I. My Grandma Sophie has blonde hair that is turning slightly grey. Grandma Sophie is a small woman but very strong from carrying the family on her back for years. Grandpa Trevor is a tall man with dirty blonde hair that is also turning grey and has a strong figure work hardened his skin like leather by the amount of work he's put into his land, his stubble also turning grey. I always wonder how they haven't gone completely grey by now. James is tan and very muscular from helping Grandpa around the farm, also sporting dirty blonde hair. Girls are always drooling over him and let me tell you it doesn't go unnoticed. When they reach us James crushes me hugging me tight like the annoying brother he is. "Knock it off would you", I say pushing James off of me. He smirks his signature smirk and let's go winking at Piper who in turn rolls her eyes and smiles. Grandma and Grandpa give me a kiss on the cheek congratulating me. James followed suit. I thanked them politely.

"Will you be alright getting to the hotel?" I ask my grandparents.
"Thanks sweetie, we'll be alright. I have that GPS in the car - oh what's her name, Nancy I think." She replied and smiled softly.
I giggled to myself and smiled.
"Call me in the morning when you leave here and get back home okay?"
"Okay dear will do."


The horses had been put in their stables as well as fed and watered. The last job for tonight was to have fun. Piper and I were headed back to our gooseneck to get ready before heading over to the bar. We weren't the legal age to drink yet (a/n; legal age to drink alcohol in Australia is 18) but there was always a good time to be had, dancing and just chatting. I was keen to just relax and let go and have some fun for once. Lately I'd been feeling the stress from packing up camp, as well as horses and feed and water buckets, horse rugs, saddlery (a/n; their seems to be a lot of these but saddlery is the Australian word for tack) as well as packing up the ute and gooseneck then travelling long distances to the next rodeo. It was time to let go and have some fun. Piper and I decided to dress casually and throw on a pair of jeans and a nice top as well as our hats and boots and light makeup. We definitely didn't want to be mistaken for a buckle bunny. We reached the bar and looked around for someone to talk to or dance with and that's when I spotted the last person I expected to see. What the hell is he doing here!


A/n; hey everyone. It's the new and improved 'Chapter One'. Hope you guys like it. It's quite different I think but now the story will make a lot more sense and a lot of the immature stuff I had written in is now GONE, for example Jame's didn't know the girls paid attention to him. Yeah right he didn't, what kind of male DOES'T NOTICE A GIRLS ATTENTION. I mean some don't throw it out there that they like it and some are perfect gentlemen but yeah. I'm really excited for this story. It finally make sense and hopefully it will now gain more reads because of this. I've worked really hard (even when it was crap) and I'd love more votes and comments and hopefully that'll happen. Hopefully there will be consistent updates too. There isn't much to say here other than I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH BUCKLE BUNNIE'S! I wanted to clear that up as I did say the girls didn't want to be mistaken for a buckle bunny. So I think this will do for now. Expect the second chapter up soon. You will probably have a very good idea of what's going to happen... Unless everything's changed. If you pick up any mistakes please make sure to tell me. Thanks again so much everyone. Love you all.

~ Tessa ❤️

Word count ~ 1251

Word count ~  1251

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