Chapter Two || Hiya Princess

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Authors note - I have one of 'his' p.o.v in this chapter. Not sure if you guys would like that and idk how many of these I'll do. I just thought it might clear some things up between the two and get a perspective on both of their feelings.


previously ~

We reached the bar and looked around for someone to talk to or dance with and that's when I spotted the last person I expected to see. What the hell is he doing here!


"Jack Taylor". The name leaves my mouth before I can even register any other thought.

He turns around, his signature smirk plastered on his face. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here", he turns to his mates slowly nodding his head, "hiya Princess".

You could just see the ends of his blackish, dirty blonde hair curling at the bottom of his neck. I must admit, he's hot. He'll never hear that from me however.

"I see you haven't changed a bit, this attitude you've got going on it's a bit old, don't ya think?" I manage to say with a small smile on my face.

"Can't help the fact that I've got it all, Princess". Adding the princess as if it were an afterthought.

"And by all you mean a bunch of buckle bunnies by your side rodeo after rodeo". I say, "that's certainly not something to be boasting about. You're too stuck in the past Jack, you aren't in high school anymore, no one cares that you pick up more chicks you can count on your fingers, no one cares you were the "baddest" guy around. Times have changed Jack. How about settling down and living like your life actually means something for once. Finding someone special and realising life isn't all about yourself".

"Now why would I want that?" He states all too calmly. "I have what I want right now, I'm a successful bull rider and right now that's all the matters to me. This was my fathers dream, and it's mine too!"

Well there's a side to him I'd never seen before.

"Plus I know you'll be in my arms by the time I'm ready to settle down babe". He states smirking. There it is, the normal Jack is back.

"News flash I'm not your babe!" He's gotten to me already, this is how he used to roll in high school, he'd always get a rise out of me. He's a jerk. I could do without this right now. "I'm gonna leave right now because I'm not in the mood for your shit". I say turning to Piper and smiling before walking off in front of him, her following behind.

He grabs my wrist just after I'd stepped past him, spinning me around. "Catch ya round babe". He says just inches from my face before kissing my cheek, letting go of my wrist and walking away, his mates laughing and quickly joining him in his departure.


Never in a million years. No way. He's the biggest jerk known to man. "You'll be in my arms by the time I'm ready to settle down babe", that one sentence keeps replying over and over in my mind, what the hell is it supposed to mean. By this time Piper and I had already found ourself some friends to party with and have a good time. I should be focusing on what's going on around me instead of the useless piece of crap Jack is.

"This is fun!" Piper yells, breaking my train of thought.

"Yeah I'm wrecked, I think I'm going to go back to camp. You wanna join me or come later?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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