Chapter 1

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Waking up is always hard for me. When I do I always end up screaming, good thing I live alone right? Yeah it's not a good joke. Anyway, this morning I got up, did my routine in the bathroom. The three S's, and for those of you who don't know that's shit shower and shave. Brushed my teeth, did my hair, and got dressed. Black leather jacket, pair of dark jeans, boots, and the ever so infamous green shirt. I have this necklace I always wear, it's a circular coin looking thing with some kinda design on it. It looks like some kind of dinosaur print or something. If I knew what exactly it meant it'd be easier I guess, all I know about it is that I've always had it and it's on my suit and goes into my morpher to help me change. It's either dumb luck or some connection.

I grabbed my backpack after walking through my place and headed out of the door. Oh, I don't walk to school. One because I'm a senior, and two because why walk when I can drive? And I have this awesome Ducati, black. Ah, gotcha, I bet you thought I was gonna say green. Anyway, I turn 18 today so I got a cupcake from some bakery near school. I stuck a match in for a make shift candle. Looked cool while it lasted, before it almost burned my forehead. I parked my bike and walked into school finishing the last of the cupcake and throwing my trash away. Here I am, right in front of Angel Grove High, home of every rich kid with a trust fund within a few miles in each direction, and some not so much. Think they run the school, but- some shoved me with their shoulder.

"Watch it!" I yelled.

Some scruffy looking kid with long red hair and black clothes turned back, "What'd you say to me?"

"You heard me." I could feel my jaw clench as he walked over. This might no go so well... for him.

"Say that again and see what I do." he said and pushed me.

"Do that one more time, I dare ya."

He let out a laugh, "Right, go home and tell mommy how strong you are, k?" he patted me on the chest.

Mom. He's not gonna talk about her, no one will. My hands clenched at my sides, I could see him laugh which only made me angrier. Out of rage I swung my arm back and punched him square in the face. He fell to the floor, blood spewing from his nose as he squirmed around. People around started to stare and murmur, made me feel uncomfortable so I got inside school. 

Walking through I pushed past people until I got to my locker. I leaned up against it and took a deep breath, looking down I saw my knuckles covered in blood. "Gotta wash this off." I muttered.

I ran to a bathroom and washed my hand off, a couple of kids walked in. One wearing red and the other blue. I put earbuds in without them noticing so they could think I was preoccupied. The volume was off so I heard everything they were saying.

"Those alien things are back Jason." I heard one say.

"Ok Billy. We don't know where they are though do we?"

"Not at the moment no, but I have a feeling we will soon." I saw him look at me through the mirror. "Does he look familiar to you?"

"Yeah, oddly he does. Don't know from where though. Should we ask him?"

"I uh, do you think that's a good- and he's walking over."

The guy in red, Jason I'm guessing, walked over to me and tapped my shoulder. After drying my hand off I pulled my earbuds out, "Hi?"

"Hey," he said, "Sorry to bother you but dude, you seem really familiar."

"I don't think we've met."

"I'm Jason."

I was right, so the kid in blue is Billy. "Lance." I replied and shook his hand, this whole thing is kinda weird... especially in the bathroom.

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