Chapter 5

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Gidget's POV

I want to get out of here, it smells horrible and the smell was going to stain my fur. I went to Max's side as he was stripping away the armor. I took the armor off earlier because it was not my style of fashion. Anyways when I was with Max I felt a bit more comfortable being in this situation.

"Hey Max can we get out our the sewers please?" I asked with puppy eyes.

"We'll get out up ahead, because it still to dangerous here." Max answered

"Ok fine, but please hurry I can't stand the smell"

"Sure. No problem."

I'm still stuck here but at least Max sped up.

A while of walking later

I can't take the smell anymore. I need fresh air before I go insane.

"Max can we please get out now?We've been walking for hours now."I asked

"Gidget take it easy we've only walked for 20 minutes." He replied with a smirk.

"Please let's get out of here."

"Fine I'll go ask Snowball to see if it's safe."

"Thank you" I said breathing heavily.

Max went off to speak to Snowball, I waited in the mushy sewage. A couple seconds later I saw Snowball climb up a manhole, then come back down giving Max a thumbs up.

Max turned to me and said "Gidget we're safe to go topside now"

"Good to know I'm dying down here"

As we we're making our way up, Max turned to speak to Snowball "Hey Snowball I'll see you back at the apartment. Oh and tell Mole thanks for the help"

"I'll tell Mole don't worry. Either way tomorrow I'm gonna try making a bigger team to rescue the dogs we left behind. Do you want to join the team?"

"I'm good that's too much action for me"

"It's your lose. I'll see you later." Snowball said hoping off into a different pipe.

Max's POV

One we got out of the sewers I saw Gidget happily breathing the fresh air. When I looked at the surrounding area I notice we were in the middle of Central Park. I also saw that the sun had almost set, giving the sky a warm orangey glow.

"So Max which way do we go?" Gidget asked as she rubbed her fur close to mine.

"This way follow me. It shouldn't take be that far, we live close by to this place" I replied.

As we were walking I felt ashamed of what happened today. I also felt like I owed Gidget an apology.

"Hey Gidget" I said nervously

"Yes Max." She replied while wagging her tail happily.

"I want to apologize for the mess I got you in today and for me being a coward."

"Max you don't need to apologize. It wasn't your fault I got captured. Also your not a coward since you came to rescue me." She said getting closer to me.

"Gidget you don't think I'm a coward?"

"Max I have always seen you as a brave dogs" she said giving me a lick on the cheek.

I began to blush under my fur. Gidget noticed and began to giggle in a cute way. My heart began to pound I finally felt confident enough to confess my love. I stopped walking and turned to look at her. I stared at her sparky blue eyes.

Max and Gidget: The First Date (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now