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When Jerry started laughs it caused everybody else to laugh. While everyone is laughing I can't help but look down and start crying. Each tear that rolls down my cheeks are full of pain. If I wasn't such a geek and a coward I would say something but I can't, no matter how much I try I can't.

"Your such a loser," someone said laughing

The room gets filled with fingers pointing at me while others laugh and call me a loser. I get up from my seat and ran away crying. I end up In this empty room and I lean against the wall and cry my heart out. I am so tired of school...just tired of it. But I can't give up I won't let my mom and my dad down. So I get out of the room and grabbed my backpack and headed over to the hospital. When I get to the hospital I walked up to the front desk I got my pass. I walked into the room where my mom and aunt was in.

"Harry what are you doing here," my aunt asked with a confused yet curious face

I didn't answer and walked up to the bed where my mom laid down. Her face as white as the snow, her hair light brown yet slightly gray, deep circles under her eyes, the dark circles jumped out because her face was all haggard. Her skin was tight like her cheekbones might break through it. Her fingers and wrists looked fragile it was scary.

"H-h-h-hey sweetie...why aren't you at school," my mom asked me with a shaky voice

"Don't worry about it mom" I said not wanting to tell her the truth

"Did someone do something to you...or something happened to you?" my mom asked with a concerning voice

"Mom it's fine don't worry about me, "I said starting to tear up

"Oh, sweetie I didn't mean for this to happen. If only your father was still alive everything would have been easier," she said

"Mom everything happens for a reason" I commented

"It does but please promise me something Harr,y," my mom said

"Anything for you mom," I said getting an image of what she was about to say

"No matter what happens to me or whatever ever happens to you... whatever the situation it is you going through, promise me you'll be courageous and strong." my mom practically begged me

"I-i- promise mom," I said

"You are more than what you think you are stronger than you think, I am lucky to have a son like you harry.... always know this, I love you always have and always will," she said with a soft yet shaky voice

"I love you t..."I was cut off by a beeping sound coming from a machine. My aunt looks at me with eyes full of tears and pain. I knew from the look on her face that she knew the same thing I did. It was over, no reason to live or to breathe another moment. my eyes are full of tears. I put my head on the bed of where her dead body was. The room full of crying and sobbing.  This day was one of the worst days of my entire life.


I was in my room in a dead silent sleep when my alarm went off. Ugh....another day of hell (school)
I get out of my bed with no other choice. I go to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for school. When I came out of the shower I got dressed and walked outside. It was so cold outside I felt like I was in a freezer. Once I got on the bus it was the same thing as always. People pushing me, kicking me, tripping me, calling me mama's little girl, and laughing at me. But this didn't hurt me because the pain I had inside of me and inside my heart was much worse than what I went through every day of my life. I head to my seat when a voice from behind called me a dirtbag. It hurts me every single word that everyone calls me but it killed me knowing that I don't have any of my parents by my side anymore.  When we arrive at school I get off the bus and walked over to the tree where I always sit and wait there till the bell rang.

(TO BE CONTINUED).....................

Thank you :)

Teenage Dirt Bag (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now