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(sorry for the super late update but I hope you enjoy the story :)

I honestly don't understand why they would leave us waiting outside in the freezing weather with people who don't care about anyone's well-being. I'm still sitting down on snow under the tree with my headphones on and my music blasting. The tears start forming in my eyes when the words my mom told me in the hospital before she died came into my head. I just can't believe that I am stuck in this world with no one who cares or love's me for who I am. But I will rather be hated for who I am Then to be loved for who I'm not. I am interrupted by this snowball that is thrown at my face. I already know who had thrown the snowball so I tried to keep calm and act as nothing happened. When this group of guys and their girlfriends come up to me. I am feeling terrified, nervous, anxious stuck on not knowing what to do.

"Hey loser how many girls did you sleep with already, "Jerry asked me

No answer

"Oh wait let me guess...20," he said causing everyone to laugh

As everyone is laughing from the corner of my eye I could see that Jerry's girlfriend wasn't laughing. It didn't make any sense to me, not one little bit. And I was in so much pain at the moment to even think about it. Tears are starting to form in my eyes as they rolled down my cheeks into the frame of my glasses. I wanted to say something but who am I kidding. I'm starting to believe every single thing that they call me. Just like I'm starting to believe that it's my fault for my parent's death. I hate reality so much.

"Oh look he is starting to cry like a little girl that he is"

The bell rang giving us the signal that it was time to go inside. As much as I hated waiting outside and that bell it always did good things during the days. As I am starting to gather all of my things and about to get up, I wait for the group to get out of my way which they did. I felt a little relieved that they left.

"I thought they would never leave, "I said out loud

I look up and another's person body stood in my way. Her soft chocolate curls flying in the wind, those gorgeous green/blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. As she stood there with a smile on her face, I store perfectly still and nervous. (What did she want?) I asked myself.

"HAYLEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"Jerry yelled at her

She looks terrified, like if she has seen a ghost. But why?

"O-o-oh I just came to pick up my backpack" she answered with a shaky voice

"You know I don't want you near this tart," he said practically screaming at her

"I-i-i-am sorry Jerry"

He then looked at me with a disgusting face. But I'll say that that is just his normal face. Once they took off I walked into the building and the office for my late pass. When I walked into the office there stood Jerry with his girlfriend. They looked at me, but Jerry looked away while Hayley stared at me. (Why does she keep looking at me?) She gives me a smile which shocks me. In my head, I'm so confused but I decide to smile back at her. In her cheeks were forming a little shade of red. (Was she blushing?) But at the moment she smiled at me my stomach goes into a knot and my cheeks Start to turn hot. I looked down and from the corner of my eye, I could see her chuckling. Which causes me to look up. She whispered something that I could not understand.

"I need to tell you something after school" she whispered

I gave her a confused look.

She grabs the paper and a pen and starts to write something down. When she is done she holds up the paper.

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