"First Date" ;)

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After the incident had passed Marion retreated to his desk blushing bright red like a tomato from the incident. "I- I'm... sorry." He whispered a sense of dread touched his voice, but disappeared quickly. "He'll never stop..."

"Baby", Vic whispered soothingly, "That giant mammoth and his steroid loving hounds won't get between us!" 

"No!" Marion shouted suddenly angry. "Didn't you hear what he said! Punishment will be served, and I think he was talking about both of us..." He suddenly got quiet. His face drained of color so he looked almost white, almost...

Vic stared at this shell of a man he once admired. He had to get his baby back, he didn't want this scared baby man! "Go on a date with me?!" He questioned out of the blue. Marion looked shell shocked! Though, his face slowly achieved it's glorious glow after his blushing began.

"I...I", He stuttered not knowing how to answer, "Well ok baby." He got up seductively and darted his tongue out to catch Vic's. "See you at 5 baby." His confidence regained and his mind reassured he swept away.

Vic watched him as he left, hips swaying in between the furniture that darted the hallway. He stared until he was gone, imagining what else those hips could do....

Vic dressed in his best tank top. It was white and half shredded in the back giving anyone who looked a sneaky view of his shoulder blades. 

"Kinky...", Mike muttered as he looked at Vic's outfit. Mike was just loitering around the hotel eating for Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Vic smiled at the compliment he wanted to show this Marion he could be a dirty boy too! As Mike walked by him he felt a slap on his rump. It was a playful one, but Vic still felt himself blushing as the sign of affection.

"Who's the guy?" Mike questioned. Vic wasn't going to spill anything, because if things didn't work out he didn't want the band on his back.

"No one..." Vic said dismissing the problem at hand. Mike didn't look like he wanted this bull shit right now, and brushed it away with another handful of Cheetos. Mike slowly went towards Vic again looking serious, and had that 'fucking ignore me I dare you' look on his face.

"Just a warning, bro." Mike whispered so close to Vic he could smell the Cheetos dust on his fingers. "There's reports of a war coming. I know something's up. Watch out. They say the rebirth of Basilisk is upon us. If you see the flash of it's scales run."

With that ominous warning Mike walked out throwing his finished bag of food on the floor. Vic made a fist, "Never again". He whispered to himself


Marion walked in dressed not only in a salmon suit, but also with a handful of flowers in his hands. Vic's smile could be seen from across 10 lobbies as Marion weaved the flowers into his long dazzling hair. Marion stroked the beautiful hair mesmerized by volume. 

"Where are we going?" Vic asked sounding distracted

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"Where are we going?" Vic asked sounding distracted. Marion smiled, he had this one in the palm of his hand.

"I figured we should go back to the place where we really saw each other. Well... speaking for one of us." Marion whispered in Vic's ear tugging his earlobe gently. Vic gulped.

Back at the Lusty Leopard.

The sweat and techo music, along with the men and women dancing put vulgar thoughts in Vic's brain. He sipped on his drink, he had hardly gotten to talk to Marion, because of all the men coming up to give him their numbers. He audibly sighed, maybe this wasn't meant to be.

Marion noticed his discomfort and sadness. With a nudge he padded him over to a booth in the very back, it was where lap dances were usually given, but it gave them a little more privacy. "So...", Marion started a little tipsy, "what does a sexy one like yourself see in me?"

"What don't I?" He questioned, leaning forward to get closer to his love, "You have a hot body for starters, then the daring attitude to flirt with me, and we can't forget how bad of a boy you must be..." Vic smirked those shots he'd taken were starting to get to him. Marion too had a spark in his eyes. He leaned the rest of the distance to get to Vic. 

The kiss was nervous at first as Vic let Marion take the lead. Marion soon sped it up until he was on top of the table to get closer to this sexy singer. As Vic took a deep breath and started to pull away Marion trapped him against the booth, and tried to drive his tongue ten inches down Vic's throat. As Marion started to go down to straddle Vic they were interrupted. (Quiet rudely too I thought it was pretty steamy ;D)

The clearing of a throat sp00ked Vic, and Marion reluctantly took ownership of his tongue again. As Marion turned to deal with this punk his blood ran cold. There stood Jimbles. Nothing but his purple jock strap on his face was coated with anger. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" He screamed over the music. "YOU BOTH WILL BE PUNISHED IT'S COMING AND I WILL GET YOU ALL!" He laughed as he lunged at Vic and stuffed a pill down his throat. After closing his nostrils so he'd be forced to swallow. Vic seemed disoriented at this, and in the matter of a minute passed out. Marion stared at his lover in horror tears streaming from his sexy brown eyes!

"And you...", Jimbles whispered in Marion's ear seductively, "your coming with me. Did you you think I was lying when I said you'd be punished?"


A/N This is my longest chapter yet! I wasn't going to continue this story but my friend wanted me too so I had to. Yep almost a thousand words, don't you feel smart? Yep I know I'm trash is it anti climate that 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' is playing right now? .......... Nah! I think it fits the mood right? But. Anyway I thought it was pretty steamy, BUT next chapter ;). Thinking about making it STEAMY don't know though. I want to die.

Mr. Moseby meets Vic Fuentes (A love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora