Basically Rape and Hentai

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A/N This chapter is going to be all about my baby daddy. If you can't tell if that's Victor or Moseby it's the latter. That salmon just gets me all tingly inside. Ugh. He's a sexy catch, but anyway enjoy!


    Marion woke up groggy and disoriented. The stars that spun around his head slowly began to fade... revealing the moist dark cell he was locked in. He began to survey the room trying to remain calm and natural. He felt as if he couldn't get enough air, and started to take large gulps of breath inward. As he slowly released he saw that he could see his breath in the cold wet air. He finally started to recall what happened the night before as his eyes adjusted to the dim lights. 

(Flashback) 10 hours ago...

    The bag that was forced onto his head when he entered the car finally came off. His eyes squinted at the bright lights being shined into his eyes. As he finally adjusted the tall silhouette of a man blocked out his vision once again. The colors around the room settled in as he whipped his head around at his surroundings. He saw a dark wet cavern, with weapons that looked like dangerous playthings in the hands of the monster in front of him. As he tried to move he noticed his arms and legs were tied down with purple handcuffs that were suspiciously stained with white streaks.  After this realization he finally faced the 'human'? In front of him.

  Standing at 10 feet 10 inches tall and wearing a too tight purple shirt, it looked like a terrifying nightmare of barney. Too bad Marion wasn't sleeping. 

"Hello, my precious", the tall man smirked as he caressed Marion's luscious velvet earlobe. He then leaned down to bite is gently. Marion pulled away sharply, he didn't know where that filthy mouth had been! "Oh... don't be like that baby." Jimbles tried to croon huskily. (Hint. It didn't work.) He started working on the husky earlobe again, but again failed.

"Jimbles!" Marion shouted as he remembered the figure in front of him. "Get the fuck away from me, you filthy bastard!" Marion started again, closing his eyes as if it was just a dream. Jimbles frowned usually Marion was a kinky piece of meat that was begging for it, but it seemed his demeanor was totally different today. Maybe something else would get his lover in the mood. 

He crouched down. His legs forming 10 degree angles as he still sat a 2 feet above Marion. He rested his arms on his legs, but no science explained how he could balance, his belly should've been pushing him in the other direction. Marion turned away, he couldn't watch as a button of the purple shirt spread to show a little bit of the heavy gut.

(A/N: Yes, people that's the man we based Jimbles off of

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(A/N: Yes, people that's the man we based Jimbles off of. I wish I could say he's actually a nice person in real life, but I can't. LITERALLY TELL ME TO STOP HITTING PEOPLE AGAIN, JIMBLES. SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!!)

  "Marion..." Jimbles moaned as he went to the black glorious face. He forced his face onto Moseby's, holding the back of his head so that escape was futile. From afar it looked like death kissing one of it's victims, but in reality... it was exactly that. When Jimbles realized his baby wasn't responding to mouth to mouth. He plunged his tongue down deep, to see if that would trigger a response. 


  Jimbles shoved away from Marion, disgusted by his lack of response to his 'perfection'? "Why!?" He said almost in tears. "Don't you remember the whips, chains, and torture? Don't you remember the intimacy we've shared?" By now he'd broken into tears they stained his khaki pants as they fell 10 feet from his face. 

  Marion shook his head sadness and a bit of regret tinged in them, "Never again. I know who I want to kiss me passionately now, and who would make love to me meaningfully. Not this crazy shit you thinks desirable. Fuck! Don't you know I don't get off to your weird fetishs? Did you ever think about me other than a fling, someone you called when you downstairs area was crazing to be satisfied. Did you notice that after a couple of times of the same crazy BDSM shit, my Little Moseby never jumped up excited!" He screamed, finally venting his profuse sexual frustrations. 

  Jimbles at first looked shocked, but it eventually turned to anger. That wicked smirk that he used to scare his students came onto his face, and after what felt like an eternity he spoke. "It's always about you isn't it?" He spoke eerily quiet. "Well, guess what?" He leaned in whispering into Marion's ear. "It isn't your choice anymore." He flicked his tongue out as he finished the sentence. Marion shivered it was an impulse now. As Marion closed his eyes vaguely remembering their time together. He jumped as a sharp pain entered the back of his neck! He screamed such a heart wrenching yell, that even Jimbles flinched. He had regret in his eyes followed by a slow tear that dripped onto his cheek. Marion's vision flashed, and as he fell as far as he could into his restraints. As his last moments of being awake were running out he looked up to see Jimbles crouching reaching his hands out to unbuckle his pants. Those eyes roamed his body ravenously, before he blacked out.

(Present time)

  It was after Marion remembered everything that he finally realized he was wet and sticky, like he'd recently been used. He was sure that if he was shined with a blacklight he'd be glowing from head to toe. His naked body glistened as he forced himself upward. Jimbles was gone, he'd used Marion and left probably having to pop ten more viagra to get it up for 10 min. Moseby thought. Jimbles made one mistake though he didn't chain Moseby back up, and Marion smiled. This science teacher wasn't the god he thought he was. He slowly climbed up his ass felt stretched and used. It ached. He moved onward anyway, because if he was caught Jimbles would make him stay awake for his punishment. 

  As he was trying to find his way out of the purple lair he was trapped in he heard muttering from a corner. He went to investigate the mysterious sound. It was the girl in the latex he found! She was tied up similar to him her hair hanging down, and tears streaming down her bright red cheeks. She looked up anxiously as if she was expecting Jimbles to be staring down at her with lust, but she found this handsome bald headed man instead. Tears of relief now fell. He quickly untied her and dragged her along on his search for an exit. "What's your name?" He whispered quietly.

  "Ava... I know the way follow me!" She led him now going through rooms and rooms all for separate tortures some were butt plugs, while others were just dedicated to whips. When they finally emerged from blood stained hallways into the light they had to blink at the drastic change. Ava looked at him with a silent thank you, and disappeared. Marion blinked thinking if what he rescued was just a figment of his imagination. His thoughts quickly escaped as he heard the frustrated sexual grunt of a predator (like what Chris Hansen catches). He knew Jimbles had released his inner beast, and when he saw any prey, male or female, was gone he'd seek blood. 

  Marion ran all the way back to the hotel naked. Those defined muscles glistening with sweat. He needed to find his baby.

  (A/N: And... Scene! I actually hate life this is what I do when I have an actual day I'm not doing something. Are you all happy I'm wasting my already short life? Cause I sure as fuck am! I don't know if I regret this chapter of my life or not. But this will be a great story to tell the adopted teenagers I'll own to take their money. Hey! I have morals, I'll feed them on Sundays... Why me God? I'm literally done. I thought this chapter was mildly kinky, but thats up to you. Will post nudes at 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 views and 250,000,000,000 votes. I'm a sexy catch so better get to it. Peace out my lifeless readers who have nothing better to do than read my shit. It's literally pure shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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